


苏霍姆林斯基说:“让学生变得聪明的办法,不是补课,不是增加作业量,而是阅读、阅读、再阅读。”威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了秋季学期八年级英语期末训练试题,欢迎阅读与选择!



(  )16. ______  too late is _______your health.

A、Sleeping, bad for  B、Sleep, good for

C、Sleeping, good for

(  )17.It’s very important for us   ______     a healthy lifestyle.

A、have     B、had     C、to have

(  )18.Thanks  ______ for asking us to your house for dinner.

A、a lot of    B、lot of     C、a lot

(  )19.This clock doesn’t work. It’s______to buy a new one.

A、funny    B、professional    C、necessary

(  )20.—   ______  ?

—It’s Monday the 17th.

A、What’s the date   B、What day is it today  C、What’s today?

(  )21.—Who met a famous actor?

—Tina  ______ .

A、do     B、does     C、did

(  )22.—When did you go to Beijing for vacation?

—   ______   the end of last month.

A、In     B、For     C、At

(  )23.Liu Xiang is  ______  a running star.

A、famous as    B、famous for   C、famous with

(  )24. ______ he’s young, he can read such a book.

A、Though    B、Because    C、For

(  )25.—______are you going to be when you grow up?

—I’m going to be a teacher.

A、How     B、What     C、Who

(  )26.To  ______  fit, you should take 15-minute exercise every day.

A、have     B、build     C、keep

(  )27.Rosa______to do chores but she has to do them every day.

A、likes.     B、hates     C、wants

(  )28.The computer is______of the three.

A、expensive    B、the most expensive

C、the more expensive

(  )29.You can’t live ______water______air(空气).

A、with, and    B、without, or   C、with, or

(  )30.This book is       that one.

A、more interesting  B、as interesting as  C、most interesting


Dennis is a schoolboy from Shanghai. He  31  some New Year’s resolutions yesterday. He wants to  32  . So he is going to exercise more and eat a lot of  33  food. He  34  junk food. He is going to make a soccer  35  because he likes it and he is also good at  36  soccer. He is going to be a  37  of the soccer team. He also wants to improve his   38  . He is going to read English  39  morning. He is going to  40  a pen pal  41  England or Australia. And he is going to write let ters or e-mails in English  42  his pen pal.   43  he grows up, he is going to be a doctor fo r children. He wants  44  sick people. He is going to a medical school. He is going to work hard. He loves children and he thinks  45  children will be great.

(  )31.A、had     B、made     C、did

(  )32.A、keep fit    B、keep young   C、keep old

(  )33.A、healthier    B、unhealthier   C、worse

(  )34.A、didn’t eat    B、is going to eatC、isn’t going to eat

(  )35.A、team     B、test     C、taxi

(  )36.A、play     B、plays     C、playing

(  )37.A、player    B、student    C、friend

(  )38.A、Chinese    B、English    C、Japanese

(  )39.A、very     B、every     C、once

(  )40.A、find     B、have     C、got

(  )41.A、on     B、at     C、in

(  )42.A、with     B、in     C、on

(  )43.A、Where    B、When    C、Why

(  )44.A、to help    B、help     C、helping

(  )45.A、looking for   B、looking like   C、looking after



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