


爱因斯坦说过:“没有丝毫兴趣的强制性学习,将会扼杀学生探求真理的欲望。”威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了初二年级上学期英语期末模拟试卷,欢迎阅读与选择!

第一部分 听力(20分)(略)

第二部分 笔试(80分)

I. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)

(   ) 1. ______ hard work he was doing!

A. What   B. What a   C. How    D. How a

(   ) 2. — When did he go to summer camp?

— He _____ to summer camp five days _____.

A. goes, ago     B. went, ago          C. went, for          D. goes, before

(   ) 3. Only ten boys in our class use the Internet to get information, ______ use it to play games.

A. the others  B. the other       C. others        D. other

(   ) 4. —           do your parents go to the movies?   —Once a month.

A. How long       B. How far         C. How often       D. How soon

(   ) 5. If we keep planting trees, our country will become ______.

A. more and more beautifully    B. more or more beautifully

C. more or more beautiful     D. more and more beautiful

(   ) 6. Xi’an is one of ______ capital ______ in China.

A. older; city    B. the older; cities    C. the oldest; city   D. the oldest; cities

(   ) 7. —_____ she have breakfast this morning?

—No. She left home _____ breakfast.

A. Do; with   B. Does; for         C. Does; without    D. Did; without

(   ) 8. Next term m y sister ________ to draw pictures.

A. learns         B. learning           C. is going to learn     D. will learns

(   ) 9. Do you think _____ a football match tomorrow?

A. there will be    B. will there be    C. there will have    D. there are going to be

(   ) 10. He usually ________ his bag ________ magazines and story books.

A. fill, with      B. fills, with     C. fill, into      D. fills, in



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