


人才源自知识,而知识的获得跟广泛的阅读积累是密不可分的。威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了秋季学期初二年级英语第八单元试题,欢迎阅读与选择!

第Ⅰ卷 听力部分 (15分)

Ⅰ.听句子,选择与之相匹配的图片,有一项多余 (5分)

1.The square is very large.Many people like dancing here.

2.You can see the bank on your right.

3.The sign means you can't go straight.

4.There is a sea­crossing bridge in Qingdao.

5.It's so hot.Let's go swimming.

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

Ⅱ.听小对话,选择正确答案 (5分)

W:Did you watch TV yesterday morning,Walter?

M:No,I didn't.I went to the supermarket.

6.What did Walter do yesterday?

W:I usually go to school by bus.What about you,Tom?

M:My house isn't far from my school.I usually go there by bike.

7.How does Tom usually go to school?

M:Have you ever been to Shanghai,Mary?

W:No,never.But I want to go there this summer vacation.

8.Where does Mary want to go this summer vacation?

M:Excuse me,madam.Could you please tell me how I can get to the library?

W:Go along this road and you'll find it on your left.It's opposite the City Park.

9.Where is the library?

A.It's behind the City Park.  B.It's opposite the City Park.  C.It's next to the City Park.

M:Excuse me,could you please tell me where the hotel is?

W:Sorry.I'm new here.You'd better ask the man under the tree.

10.Does the woman know the way to the hotel?

A.Yes,she does.  B.No,she doesn't.   C.We don't know.

Ⅲ.听短文,选择最佳答案 (5分)

W:Excuse me,I want to go to Beihai Park.Which bus should I take?

M:No 16 bus.I think it will come soon.

W:Thank you.That's very nice of you.

M:Is this your first time here?


M:So what do you think of our city?

W:I like it.It's big and beautiful.But I also think the traffic is too bad,and some places are so crowded.Anyway,are you a student?

M:Yes,I'm a junior high school student.Why do you want to go to Beihai Park?

W:My son and his wife live near there,and I'm going to visit them.

M:Oh,I see.You'll find your way around before long.Oh,your bus is coming.

W:It's really nice to talk with you.Thanks for your help again.

M:You're welcome.Bye!

11.Where does the woman want to go?

A.Beihai Park.  B.Beichuan Park.   C.Beijing Park.

12.Which bus should the woman take?

A.No 6.  B.No 16.  C.No 60.

13.What does the woman think of the city?

A.Small and beautiful.  B.Big and beautiful.

C.Big,beautiful but crowded in some places.

14.Why will the woman go to the park?

A.Because she wants to have a rest there.

B.Because she wants to go and have a look at it.

C.Because she wants to visit her son and his wife.

15.Who are the two speakers?

A.A woman and a driver.    B.A woman and a student.  C.A woman and a policeman.



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