





(   ) 1.  A  B              C


(   ) 6. Who is Jim going to play baseball with?

A. His parents.     B. His classmates.   C. His friends.

(   ) 7. What’s Tom’s favourite sport?

A. Swimming.     B. Skating.    C. Climbing.

(   ) 8. What’s Harry going to do?

A. Go shopping.    B. Go swimming.   C. Go cycling.

(   ) 9. Which sport does Mike like better?

A. The long jump.    B. The high jump.   C. Running.

(   )10. How often does Rick go hiking?

A. Once a week.    B. Once a month.   C. Once a year.


(   )11. What are they going to do tomorrow?

A. Watch a basketball game.  B. Watch a football game. C. Watch the World Cup game.

(   )12. Who will play the game?

A. Shanghai team and Beijing team.                  B. Guangzhou team and Beijing team.

C. Shanghai team and Guangzhou team.

(   )13. Which team does Mary think will win the game?

A. Shanghai team     B. Guangzhou team.  C. Beijing team.

(   )14. What time is the game going to begin?

A. At 4:00 p.m.    B. At 6:00 p.m.   C. At 8:00 p.m.

(   )15. How are they going to the Capital Stadium?

A. By bus.     B. On foot.    C. By bike.

听第二篇短文,回答第 16--20小题。

(    )16. How does Sandy spend her pocket money?

A. Buying hair clips.            B. Buying CDs.           C. Buying snacks.

(    )17. What does Mike often buy?

A. CDs.                      B. School things.           C. Snacks.

(    )18. Does Mike buy CDs?

A. Yes, sometimes.              B. No, never.              C. Yes, always.

(    )19. Who always can't find the school things?

A. Joan.                      B. Amy.                   C. Mike.

(    )20. What does Joan do with her pocket money?

A. Sometimes she buys storybooks.  B. She buys some snacks.   C. She buys a lot of CDs.



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