初二上册英语五单元训练题:Unit 5 Can you come to my party




(   )41. Before the soldiers go to the town, the officer ______.

A. asks them to have  their hair cut(修剪)

B. asks them to clean their shoes

C. wants to check them

D. wants them to clean their rooms

(   )42. Why isn’t the barber’s shop open?

A. Because it’s too early.

B. Because it’s too late.

C. Because it’s Sunday.

D. Because it’s Saturday.

(   )43. We can put ______ in the blank(空白处) of the passage.

A. Is my hair clean now, sir?

B. Is my hair short now, sir?

C. Are my pants clean now, sir?

D. Are my shoes clean now, sir?

(   )44. From the passage, we know Johnson ______.

A. doesn’t like the officer

B. is very fun

C. is very clever

D. doesn’t work hard

(   )45. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Johnson and the other soldiers are busy from Monday to Friday.

B. Johnson cleans his shoes before he comes back to the officer.

C. The officer thinks Johnson’s hair is too dirty.

D. Johnson  can’t  go  to  the  town  that afternoon.

IV. 词汇运用 (10分)

A) 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,完成单词。

46. Mr White is visiting us the day after t________.

47. I’m happy you can come and j________ us tonight(今晚).

48. Jeff likes listening to music in his f________ time.

49. —Where’s Bob?

—He’s watching a volleyball ________(比赛) in his room.

50. Our ________(化学) teacher is very strict with us.

B) 从方框中选择恰当的词,并用其正确形式填空。

51. Yesterday I sent an e-mail to my _________ pen pal Mike.

52. If you want to play the piano well, you have to ________ it every day.

53. I’m busy cleaning my car the ________ day today.

54. Eating ________ junk food is harmful(有害的) to people’s health.

55. Please ________ to my house. I have something to tell you.



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