初二上册英语五单元训练题:Unit 5 Can you come to my party



III. 阅读理解 (20分)


Happy Children’s Palace


(   )36. You can’t go to Happy Children’s Palace to learn some skills(技能) on ______.

A. Monday         B. Wednesday

C. Thursday         D. Sunday

(   )37. Tom is a student in No. 4 Middle School. If he wants to improve his English, he can learn it from ______.

A. Prof. W. Lambert  B. Prof. G. White

C. Prof. J. Brown       D. Mr Liu Xin

(   )38. If you’d like to learn to use the new software, you have to go to Happy Children’s Palace ______.

A. twice           B. nine times

C. ten times        D. sixteen times

(   )39. Happy Children’s Palace is forty minutes’ r ide from Henry’s home. After learning drawing on Friday evening, Henry can get home at about ______ by bike.

A. 9∶00             B. 9∶10

C. 9∶30        D. 9∶40

(   )40. The underlined word “photography” means(意思是) ______ in Chinese.

A.  摄影     B. 画画      C. 舞蹈     D. 演讲


Johnson is a young soldier(士兵) in a big camp. On weekdays he and the other soldiers are always very busy. They can only have a good rest on weekends. It is Sunday today. All the y oung soldiers are free, and their officer says to them,“You can go to the town this afternoon, but first I want to check (检查) all of you.”

When Johnson comes to the officer, the officer says to him, “Your hair is too long. Go to the barber’s shop(理发店) and then come back to let me have a look.”

Johnson runs to the barber’s shop, but it isn’t open. Then he remembers it’s Sunday. Johnson is very sad, but a moment later he gets happy and goes back to the officer.

“______” Johnson asks when he comes in front of the officer.

The officer doesn’t look at Johnson’s hair. He looks at his shoes and says, “Yes, they are better now. You can go out. Remember, next week clean your shoes before coming to me!”



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