


经历了半学期的努力奋战,检验学习成果的时刻就要到了,威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了上学期八年级英语期中试题,欢迎阅读与选择!


(   )1、--__________ do they play basketball?         -- Every day.

A、How soon          B、How much       C、How many      D、How often

(   )2、_________ the student usually go to have pizza.

A、Most              B、Some           C、Not all of       D、None

(   )3、Today he is not feeling ___________.

A、good              B、well            C、nice            D、fine

(   )4、What's the matter with you, Somnus?

A、I'm going to leave here         B、I have a bad cold.

C、I went to go to shopping.        D、I'm taking an exam.

(   )5、What's Jim doing for vacation?                 --____________

A、He does his homework at home.       B、He's going to his aunt's home.

C、He likes watching TV at home.        C、He went to Beijing last week.

(   )6、He is going camping ________ 6:30 _________ the morning of August 22nd .

A、in ; on            B、on ; at            C、at ; on          D、at ; in

(   )7、The book ________ be Alice , because I can see her name on it.

A、must             B、can            C、mustn't          D、can't

(   )8、How you go to school ________ where you live.

A、depend on        B、depend         C、depends on        D、depends

(   )9、Please practice __________ English.

A、speak           B、to speaking      C、speaking          D、to speak

(   )10、Must I clean my room, mom?           No, you __________

A、don't            B、needn't         C、aren't            D、mustn't

(   )11、Who is ______ , Tom or Mike.

A、thin             B、thiner         C、thinner            D、more thin

(   )12、In some ways , Lily and Lucy look __ , but the twins are a little different ___ each other.

A、same ; from       B、the same ; from    C、the same ; as     D、same ; as

(   )13、I often go to work __________ .

A、ride my bike       B、by bike        C、by a bike          D、on bike

(   )14、Could you give me _______ on learning English?

A、some advice       B、some advices    C、any advice        D、any advices

(   )15、We have ______ work to do today.

A、much too         B、too many       C、too much          D、a lot



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