




( )1.He is looking at the gigantic creatures in front of him.

A. large         B. small         C. short

( )2.Tianjin is not far from Beijing.

A. far away       B. near          C. not near

( )3.Sam is a boy’s name, isn’t it? I’m afraid I’ve no idea.

A. I don’t think so     B. I don’t know      C. I don’t want

( )4.It doesn’t matter this time, but please come early next time.

A. That’s right      B. All right        C. That’s all right

( )5.You’d better take a bus.

A. catch         B. buy          C. find


( )1.— ________. I’m late. —It doesn’t matter.

A. Hello         B. Sorry         C. Excuse me

( )2.Look! That girl ________ now.

A. is shoping       B. are shopping      C. is shopping

( )3.Peter is late ________.Please ________next time.

A. this time...on time    B. this time...be on time   C. next time...on time

( )4.Mary ________ to school at 7:30 every morning.

A. goes         B. went         C. going

( )5.—Why not ________ English? —That’s a good idea.

A. speak         B. to speak        C. speaking

( )6.You’d better ________ your bedroom.

A. to clean        B. cleaning up      C. clean up

( )7.—Children enjoy ________ games. —I think so.

A. play         B. plays         C. playing

( )8.How many ________ are there in the hall?

A. students        B. student        C. teacher

( )9 There ________ two pens and a ruler on the desk.

A. are          B. is          C. have

( )10.Mr. Green can ________ Chinese very ________.

A. speak...good      B. speak...well      C. talk...well

( )11.His parents told him not ________.

A. be late        B. to late        C. to be late

( )12.You must ________ back tomorrow afternoon.

A. come         B. going to come     C. comes

( )13.My sister makes me ________ my room on Saturdays,

A. to clean        B. clean         C. cleaning

( )14.Thank you for ________ me.

A. helps         B. to help me       C. helping

( )15.It ________ me two hours ________ the computer.

A. use, mend       B. use, to mend      C. takes, to mend

( )16.________ are you going to do this afternoon?

A. where         B. what         C. when

( )17. He knows little about Canada, ________ he?

A. doesn’t        B. does         C. don’t

( )18.She began ________ and write.

A. to read        B. read         C. reads

( )19.Welcome back home. — ________.

A. Thank you       B. Hello         C. Excuse me

( )20.Some people like ________ a film, others like ________ video films.

A. watching; watching   B. to watch; to see     C. to see; to watch



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