


学习生活,尤其要注意知识点的积累。因此,威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了初二上册英语第六单元检测题,欢迎阅读与选择!


(   ) 1. Each panda       lots of bamboo every day.

A. need eat       B. need eating    C. need to eat    D. needs to eat

(   ) 2. Today many wild animals are      danger.

A. at             B. in             C. of             D. with

(   ) 3. I have only a few dollars ___________.

A. leave           B. left            C. leaving          D. to leave

(   ) 4. The news was so __________ that we were all ______________..

A. excite, excited       B. exciting, excited

C. excited, exciting    D. excited, excite

(   ) 5. It's important for us      English well.

A. learn          B. learned        C. to learn       D. learning

(   ) 6. His boss made him _________ more than ten hours a day.

A. work        B. to work         C. working         D. to working

(   ) 7. His parents don’t allow him ___________ out after 9pm.

A. goes        B. go         C. to go           D. going

(   ) 8. In order to _______ us to see the tigers from Australia, my mother didn’t go to work today.

A. took        B. taking        C. take          D. takes

(   ) 9. ---Something terrible happened to Tony.

---Let’s __________ what we can do to help him.

A. find           B. find out        C. produce         D. look at

(   ) 10. I'm surprised        that.

A. hear           B. to hear        C. hearing        D. hears



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