初二英语第一学期第五单元试卷:Do you want to watch a game show?




第Ⅰ卷 听力部分 (15分)

Ⅰ.听句子,选择与之相匹配的图片 (5分)

1.Liu Wei can play the piano well with his feet.

2.I like classical music best.It makes me feel relaxed.

3.Pop music is lively and great for dancing.

4.Daming doesn't like jazz at all.

5.Beethoven was a famous mu sician in the world.I like his music.

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

Ⅱ.听对话,选择正确答案 (5分)

W:Which kind of music do you prefer,classical music or jazz?

M:I like them both,but I like pop music best.

6.What's the man's favour ite kind of music?

A.Classical music.   B.Jazz.   C.Pop music.

W:Are you going to Kate's party?

M:No,I don't think so.

W:Why not?

M:Well,everyone is going to sing.I can't sing at all.

7.Why is the boy not going to Kate's party?

A.Because he doesn't like singing.       B.Because he can't sing at all.

C.Because he will have lots of work to do.

W:Can you dance?

M:No,I can't.But I can play the guitar well.

W:Good!Our band needs a guitar player.

8.What is the boy good at?

A.Dancing.        B.Playing the guitar.       C.Playing basketball.



M:Hi,Jenny.I hear that you will leave school.What do you want to be?

W:I think I'm going to take up singing.


W:It's because I'm good at singing songs.All my classmates say so.Besides,singing is very interesting and you will meet a lot of fans.

9.What does the girl want to be?

A.A singer.         B.An actress.        C.A teacher.

10.Why does the girl choose that job?

A.Her parents let her do so.    B.She is good at singing.  C.She likes to teach children.

Ⅲ.听短文,选择最佳答案 (5分)

There are five people  in my family.We li ke different music.My father likes techno.He thinks it's modern.He likes to dance to the techno music.My mother loves opera.Because it's dramatic and the singers have beautiful voices.Rock is my brother's favourite.He likes the strong rhythms.He thinks it's fun.My sister likes pop music.It is great for dancing.I like blues.It's slow,sad music.

11.Why does his father like techno?

A.Because it's modern.      B.Because it's beautiful.    C.Because it's slow.

12.Does his mother like techno?

A.Yes,she does.           B.No,she doesn't.         C.I don't know.

13.What sort of music does his brother like?

A.Techno.           B.Opera.             C.Rock.

14.What sort of music does his sister like?

A.Pop music.        B.Opera.             C.Techno.

15.Is blues slow and sad music?

A.Yes,it is.           B.No,it isn't.        C.It's beautiful and fast.



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