


爱因斯坦说过:“没有丝毫兴趣的强制性学习,将会扼杀学生探求真理的欲望。”威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了第一学期初二年级英语期中试题,欢迎阅读与选择!


( ) 1. Dad often goes to work ___________ bus or _________ foot.

A. on, on  B. by, on   C. by, by   D. in, on

( ) 2. All the people went home _____________ Mr Wang , for he had to finish his work .

A. with   B. besides  C. except   D. after

( ) 3. ------ Would you please show me the way ___________ the bank ?

----- Yes, go straight ahead . It’s opposite a school .

A. in  B. for   C. with    D. to

( ) 4. ----- I’m afraid that I couldn’t pass the exam .

------ ____________ . I believe you .

A. Don’t worry . B. Never minding C. At last   D. Not at all .

( ) 5. ------ _________________ ?

------- He had an accident yesterday .

A. What’s happened with him    B. What happened with him

C. What happened to him   D. What’s the wrong with him

( ) 6.Which do you like__________, tea, milk or orange juice?

A. best   B. better   C. good   D. well

( ) 7. The ____________ friends you have , the ____________ you will be .

A. more , happy B. many , happy  C. more , happier  D. many , happier

( ) 8. If Bill doesn’t go , I won’t ,____________ .

A. either   B. also   C. as well   D. too

( ) 9. ------ The T-shirt looks nice on you! How much does it ____________ ?

I just _____________ ten dollars for it.

A. take , afforded B. cost , paid  C. cost , spent     D. spend, took

( ) 10. Breakfast is ___________ meal of the day . It provides us with energy after a long night without food .

A. important  B. more important C. the most important  D. very important



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