


古人有“书中自有颜如玉”之说。杜甫所提倡的“读书破万卷, 下笔如有神”等,无不强调了多读书广集益的好处。这篇秋季学期八年级英语期中试题,希望可以加强你的基础。


( )1. ------ What’s __________ with your car ?

------- It doesn’t work .

A. matter  B. the matter    C. problem   D. trouble

( ) 2. My family are enjoying ___________ the match on TV.

A. watch   B. watches  C. to watch   D. watching

( ) 3. ------- Which do you like ___________ , summer or winter ?

------- I prefer summer .

A. good    B. well   C. better    D. best

( )4. Listening to the ___________ music always makes me _________ .

A. relaxed , relaxing       B. relaxed , relaxed

C. relaxing , relaxing       D. relaxing , relaxed

( ) 5. The teacher was very angry with Eric , because he __________ school .

A. was late for  B. was late to  C. is late for  D. is late to

( ) 6. I hope we have a better chance of ___________ the task .

A. finish   B. finishes   C. finishing  D. to finish

( ) 7. ------ I am going to make an English speech .

------- Come on ! We’ll _________________ .

A. cheer on you  B. cheer you on C. cheer up you D. cheer you up

( ) 8.Our football team ____________ another football team now .

A. is against     B. against       C. play against    D. is playing against

( ) 9. Do you think math is __________ than English ?

A. difficult  B. as difficult C. more difficult  D. most difficult

( ) 10. ---Excuse me, where is the museum?

---It’s near the bank. You can find it ______.

A. clearly  B. easily  C. quietly  D loudly



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