



I. 单项选择(15分)

1. —What’s the weather like in Qinghai in winter?

—There is ________snow and it is ______cold.

A. much too, much too     B. too much, too much

C. much too, too much     D. too much, much too

2. —I think______is not easy to draw this picture.

—I think so.

A.that     B. this       C. these          D. it

3. —_____do they go to movies?

— Once a month.

A. How often   B. When     C. These         D. It

4. —Are you busy this weekend?

— Yes, my mother wants me ____the house.

A. cleans       B. to clean    C.cleaned      D. cleaning

5. —____she is very tired, ____Sue doesn’t stop working.

A. Although, but      B. But, although

C. Although, /         D. / ,   /

6. —It ____Mark’s watch.  ____your watch is in your bag.

A. may  be, Maybe     B. maybe,  Maybe

C. may  be, May  be   D. maybe, May  be

7. She looks very ____because she has a ____weekend.

A.bored, bored          B. boring, boring

C. bored, boring          D. boring, bored

8. ____students can answer the question, because it’s very difficult.

A. Little     B. A little         C. Few         D. A few

9. A ____habit is very important in our everyday lives.

A. health   B. unhealthy       C. healthy       D. unhealthily

10. They go to the movies_____ a month.

A. three times or four times  B. three or four times

C. three and four times      D. three times and four times

11. Hot tea ____honey is good for you.

A. with       B. in            C. has          D. Of

12. Is there ____in today’s newspaper?

A. something important     B. important something

C. anything important      D. important anything

13. ____books in bed is bad for your eyes.

A. Read       B. Reads        C. Not read     D. Reading

14. You should try____a little junk food every day.

A. eating       B. eat          C. eats        D. to eat

15. — Excuse me. Where is the stair?

— Ok. Go straight ____that door under the EXIT sign.

A. in          B. through      C. over        D. across


One day Mary __1_ shopping with her mother. When they got __2__the supermarket, Mary was very __3__. There were many nice things and many people __4__it.

Mary’s mother told her __5__her. They walked __6__and they __7__something for lunch.

When they came to one shelf(货架), Mary __8__some b o xes of chocolate. Mary wanted her mother to buy some __9__her.

Her mother gave her a box of brown chocolate. Mary shook(摇头) her head and said “ I want a box of white chocolate, mum.”

“Why do you want a box of white chocolate?” her mother asked.

“ I won’t bite my fingers(咬到手指)when I eat them at night.” Mary answered.

_10__hearing this Mary’s mother laughed and they left the supermarket happily.

(  ) 1. A. went     B. goes to    C. to go    D. going

(  ) 2. A. for       B. on       C. to       D. with

(  ) 3. A. sad       B. exciting  C. good     D. happy

(  ) 4. A. on        B. for      C. in       D.at

(  ) 5. A. follow     B. follows  C. to follow  D. following

(  ) 6. A. away      B. to       C. around   D. by

(  ) 7. A. bought     B. take     C. carried   D. made

(  ) 8. A. looked     B. watched  C. read     D. saw

(  ) 9. A. with       B. for      C. to       D. about

(  ) 10. A. Since     B. So      C. That     D. After



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