


学期时间已经很长的时间,学生们在享受学期的同时,也要面对一件重要的事情那就是学习。威廉希尔app 为大家提供了八年级英语上学期期中检测试卷,希望对大家有所帮助。


26. They had to finish homework, so they decided______________.

A. to go out             B. not to go out            C to not go out

27. He thinks eating more ________food can help you keep__________.

A. Health, healthy        B. healthy, health          C. healthy, healthy

28.Both Tom and Tim______ hard-working at their lessons.

do                  B. is                      C.  are

29.They can’t finish the work in two days, so we need _________helpers.

A. More three           B. three anther              C. three more

30 . You don’t need a lot of friends _____________they’re good.

A. As long as             B. because                C. though

31.There isn’t __________in today’s newspaper.

A. Anything interesting    B. something interesting     C. interesting anything

32 ----Betty, is your twin sister the same as you?

-----No, I’m_____________ than her.

A.  a little thin           B. very thinner             C. a little thinner

33.  The weather in Shanghai is hotter than _________ in Harbin in summer.

A. that                  B. this                      C. those

34.  Of all the students, Li Ming is __________to Mr. Zhang.

A. close                 B. closer                    C. the closest

35.  I can’t stand action movies because they are__________.

A. relaxing              B. exciting.                  C. meaningless

36.I have      to tell you.

A.anything exciting    B.exciting something    C.something exciting

37.Maria      the first prize is yesterday’s singing competition.

A.gets                 B.wins           C.won

38. He is        to work out this difficult problem.

A.enough smart       B.smart enough      C.kind enough

39.Lucy is        of the two students.

A.more outgoing         B.most outgoing   C.the more outgoing

40.—Where shall we eat lunch?

—It     you.

A.is up to      B.decide to    C.up to

41.—        ?

—It was my first time there, so it was really interesting.

A.How did you like it      B.How did you think of it    C.What were you like

42.There are all      books in the library.

A.kind      B.kind of    C.kinds of

43. Here is the answer       your question.

A.at     B.of     C.to

44.We all like her because she often makes us    by telling jokes.

A.laughed     B.laugh      C.to laugh

45.  ---_______do you have an art festival in your school?

----Once a year.

A. How long       B. How often       C. How far



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