



第一卷  听力试题  24分





5. What does the man want?

A. Milk.      B. Coffee.           C. Tea.

6. How much does the man want to buy?

A. 3 cups.          B. 2 cups.               C. 1 cup.


7. What’s wrong with the woman?

A. She has a stomachache.    B. She has a fever.     C. She had a headache.

8. What does the doctor tell the man to do?

A. To do some exercise.     B. To take some medicine.  C. To have some food.


9. What is the date of Betty’s birthday?

A. May 1st.             B. May 2nd.               C. May 3rd.

10. What present will the speakers buy for Betty?

A. A toy panda.           B. A toy baby.            C. A toy dog.


11. Why does the woman make the phone call?

A. Because she hopes to find a job.

B. Because she plans to go to evening classes.

C. Because she wants to know more about the club.

12. When can she have an interview?

A. On Monday.        B. On Tuesday.        C. On Wednesday.

13. Why does the man ask the woman for her name and e-mail address?

A. He wants to visit her.

B. He wants to know more about her.

C. He wants to send her information.

听下面一段独白,完成第14-16 小题

14. What should a good listener do before listening?

A. Stand with his arms crossed.

B. Empty his own ideas and thoughts.

C. Prepare as many questions as possible.

15. How many suggestions has the speaker mentioned?

A. 5.           B. 6.       C. 7.

16. How can you get more information about a good listener?

A. By post.        B. By email.       C. Over the phone.



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