




1. What is your favourite                   (节目)?

2、It’s around ten                   (minute)from my home to school.

3. Would you like to go to a                 (音乐会)with me tonight??

4. Mary and Kate are twins so they look like the s               .

5. Today is Wednesday, t               is Thursday.

6. The weather in China is very d                  from that in English.

7. I am going to Beijing by                   (火车)next week.

8. I feel t                . Pass me a glass of water, please.

9. Don’t w               . I think I can help you.

10. There is a football m                 on TV this evening.?


1. He                   (go) to school by bus every day.

2. Li Hua had a                    (quickly) breakfast and then went to work.

3. He would love                    (have)a cup of tea.

4. Why                   (not) you go to the zoo tomorrow?

5. Don’t make noise in the                    (read) room..

6. This math exercise is                                (difficult) than that one.

7. Which is                    (big), the sun or the moon?

8. How about                    (use) this one?

9. Do you want               (go)             (swim) with us Saturday afternoon?


(      ) 1. ---How often do you surf the Internet?    ----             .

A. Three times a week     B. A week three times   C.Three weeks a time

(      ) 2. Jack eats meat once             twice a month.

A. or                   B. and              C. but

(      ) 3. A lot of vegetables help us to keep in good             .

A. habit                 B. health           C.body

(      ) 4. ---What’s the matter?        --- I have             .

A. an apple         B. a sore back      C. many friends

(      ) 5.---      are you staying in the countryside?    ---For more than one week.

A. How often          B. How long        C.  How much

(      ) 6.             your father usually go to work by car?

A. Do      B. Is     C. Does

(      ) 7. Listen, a small number of students             in the classroom.

A. talk      B. are talking   C. is talking

(      ) 8. --- Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow!   ---           .

A. I don’t     B. I won’t    C. I can’t

(      ) 9. Thanks for              me to the party.

A. ask      B. to ask    C. asking

(      ) 10. I have studied          my science test          Thursday afternoon.

A. at; on     B. on; for    C. for; on

(      ) 11. I’m so hungry. Do you have              to eat?

A. nothing            B. anything      C. some thing

(      ) 12. Do you enjoy             jokes so much?

A. tell            B. to tell           C. telling

(      ) 13. I always try             lots of vegetables.

A. to eat          B. ate               C. eat

(      ) 14. I’m              than he is.

A. tall           B. taller             C. the tallest

(      ) 15. My             are sore. I want to see a dentist.

A. teeth           B. hands            C. stomach

(      ) 16.           me, a good friend likes do the same things            me.

A. For, with       B. For, as       C. With, for

(      ) 17. I enjoy             on the grassland, let’s stop             a rest.

A. lying, to have      B. lieing, having    C. lying, having

(      ) 18. --- Are you             at English?

--- No, but this time I did             in the English exam.

A. good, good    B. well, well   C. good, well

(      ) 19. Peter is              than Sam.

A. funny              B. funnier      C. most  funny

(      ) 20. In our country, it’s          in July, but it is even          in August.

A. hotter, hottest         B. hot,  hot    C. hot,  hotter



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