仁爱版初二英语Unit4家庭作业:Our world



在中国,英语是一门主要的课程,与语文数学并列,是求学者永远离不开必学的一门课程。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了这篇仁爱版初二英语Unit4家庭作业

仁爱版初二英语Unit4家庭作业:Our world




5、 A Thank you . B No, it’s not good. C You’re welcome.

6、 A In a week. B Two months. C Twice a month.

7、 A He is tall. B He is Sam. C It’s Sam’s.

8、 A Thirty dollars. B It’s seven o’clock. C Three years ago.

9、 A Yes, I can. B No, I don’t. C No, he can’t.

10、 A Fine. B December 25th C Wednesday D 30th of February


11、 What are they talking about?

A A photo. B A newspaper. C A magazine.

12、 what do you know about Tom?

A He is shorter than Maria.

B He is younger than Maria.

C He is thinner than Maria.


13、 What’s the date today?

A March 5th B March 15th C March 25th

14、 What’s wrong with Wu Dong?

A He has got a bad cold. B He was badly hurt. C He has broken his leg.

15、What are they going to do after school?

A Play basketball. B Go to see Wu Dong. C Go to the cinema.


16 .What does Tom often do after school?

A he does his homework.

B he watches TV. .

C he goes out to play.

17 .How old is Tom this year?

A eleven B Nine C Ten.

18. How did Tom’s parents begin to feel at about seven?

A happy B surprised. C worried.

19.whom did Tom’s parents ask for help at last?

A Their neighbors.

B The police.

C The teacher.

20.Tom______when his parents went out to look for him.

A was watching TV upstairs at home.

B was making a birthday cake in the kitchen.

C was playing in the garden with other boys.

二. 选择填空:(共15题;每题1分,满分15分)

( )21.--- I'm feeling so tired now. --- stop and have a rest?

A. Why don't B. What about C. Why not D. You'd better

( )22. —How much does this young elephant _______ ?

—50 pounds ______, because it eats a lot for a meal.

A. weight, at most B. weigh, at least C. weighs, mostly D. height, at least

( ) 23.The students have about twenty days ______for Spring Festival every year.

A .on B. out C. in D. Off

( )24. Sandy’s hair is a little ______ than ______.


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