鲁教版八年级英语Unit4家庭作业:An old man tried to move the mountains




鲁教版八年级英语Unit4家庭作业:An old man tried to move the mountains


1.It’s a good habit to wash your hands before     (饭).

2.You can buy this bike     (便宜地) because it's a second-hand bike.

3.He gave his    (座位) to an old lady.

4.Town Cinema has the    (最差的) service in our city.


5.Most of the movie t     have cheap tickets on weekends.

6.They are staring at the television s    W.


7.Tomorrow is Anna's birthday. Her mother is going to make a      meal for her.(杭州)

A. big  B. common

C. quick  D. simple

8.This theater has      seats than that one.

A. comfortable

B. the most comfortable

C. more comfortable

D. the more comfortable

9.Let’s open the windows to have some      air here.


A. cheap B. nervous

C. careful D. fresh

10.“We will provide the best      for you. ”This sentence means that we will try our best to      you.

A. serve;serve B. service;serve

C. service;service D. service;servant

11.Lucy’s home is very      her school.

A. closed B. closed to

C. close to D. close

12.—I got a 78 in the English exam. What about you?

—I did    than you. I only got a 61.(黔南)

A. well B. better

C. badly D. worse

13.The People’s Cinema is close ________ my home.

A.in B.out

C.to D.of

14. The bed is new. You can sleep there________.

A.quietly B.loudly

C.carefully D.comfortably

15. The shoes are pretty________. I want to buy them.

A.good B.better

C.best D.well

16. (2015•广州)Emma looked after her pet dog________ of all her friends.

A.careful B.most careful

C.more carefully D.the most carefully

17.Wow! There are so many nice gifts in the shop. I don’t know which one I should ________.

A.choose B.give

C.clean D.open


18. 你可以从那五本书中选择一本。

You can      one book      the five.


Thanks for          to the party.


So     , Chinese government has already      a lot of money on people's health care.


do you           the TV play?


is           clothes store in town?

23. 这辆公共汽车有最舒服的座位。

The bus has________ ________ ________ ________.


How do you________ his English________ ________?

25. 在这个城镇里哪家是最糟糕的服装店?

Which is________ ________ ________store in town?


26.It is difficult to ________(选择) between such two nice dresses.

27.My friend Tom is a ________(记者) for China Daily.

28.The________(屏幕) of the computer is too bright. It’s bad for your eyes.

29.The air in the mountains is________(清新的)and clean.

30.The park is________(接近) to my home, so my parents often take a walk there after supper.


31. Gina likes wearing a red skirt, because it looks p________ on her.

32.—Who cooks m________ in your family?

—My father.

33. Abao sang a s________ in the program last night.


34.The black bag is________(bad) than the red one. The green one is the________(bad) of all.

35. Jim does his homework________________(careful)than before.

36. You can buy clothes________(cheap) there.


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