


寒假即将到来,寒假正逢举国欢庆、合家团圆的春节,家长朋友们一定要注意孩子的假期学习问题。威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供了初二年级英语寒假作业答案,希望对大家有所帮助。


I. 1. celebrate 2. including 3. army 4. fantastic 5. understand

II. 1. difference 2. different 3. confident 4. confidently

5. a little 6. a few 7. except 8. except for 9. successful

10. success 11. succeed


IV . 1. succeeded in 2. as well as 3. At first

4. kept in touch with 5. give up 6. made jokes about

7. places of interest 8. since then 9. a few

10. in the end


I. 1. He has been in the army since 1985.

2. I have learnt Chinese painting for three months.

3. Where did they stay during their exchange visit?

4. Has Kate ever visited the Tower Bridge?

5. No one could carry the heavy box.

II. 1. for five years

2. a bit

3. educational exchange visit

4. found; yet

5. is full of

第 8 版

I. 1. watching 2. have lost 3. went

4. dragged 5. hasn ’t finished

6. weekdays 7. to celebrate 8. lived

9. jokes 10. quietly

II. 1-5 ADDBC 6-10 CBCAD

III. 1. a few 改为 a little


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