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考研模拟试题 MPA英语模拟试题(A)



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I Use of English (10%)

Paper is different from other waste produce because it comes from a sustainable resource: trees. 1 the minerals and oil used to make plastics and metals, trees are 2 . Paper is also bio-degradable, so it does not pose as much threat to the environment when it is discarded. 3 45 out of every 100 tonnes of wood fibre used to make paper in Australia comes from waste paper, the rest comes directly from virgin fibre from forests and plantations. By world standards this is a good 4 since the world-wide average is 33 percent waste paper. Governments have encouraged waste paper collection and 5 schemes and at the same time, the paper industry has responded by developing new recycling technologies that have 6 even greater utilization of used fibre. 7 , industry’s use of recycled fibres is expected to increase at twice the rate of virgin fibre over the coming years.

Already, waste paper 8 70% of paper used for packaging and advances in the technology 2 to remove ink from the paper have allowed a higher recycled 10 in newsprint and writing paper. To achieve the benefits of recycling, the community must also 11 . We need to accept a change in the quality of paper products; 12 stationery may be less white and 13 a rougher texture. There also needs to be 14 from the community for waste paper collection programs. Not only do we need to make the paper 15 to collectors but it also needs to be separated into different types and sorted from contaminants such as staples, paperclips, string and other miscellaneous 16 .

There are technical 17 to the amount of paper which can be recycled and some paper products cannot be collected for reuse. These include paper 18 books and permanent records, photographic paper and paper which is badly contaminated. The four most common 19 of paper for recycling are factories and retail stores which gather large amounts of packaging material 20 goods are delivered, also offices which have unwanted business documents and computer output, paper converters and printers and lastly households which discard newspapers and packaging material. The paper manufacturer pays a price for the paper and may also incur the collection cost.

1.A.Despite B.Unlike C.With D.Even

2.A.replaceable B.removable C.respectable D.responsible

3.A.While B.When C.If D.Because

4.A.function B.quality C.consequence D.performance

5.A.tidying B.classifying C.placing D.selecting

6.A.given rise to B.thrown light on C.paved the way for D.made use of

7.A.As a result B.In the end C.All in all D.In conclusion

8.A.consumes B.consults C.constructs D.constitutes

9.A.inquired B.required C.resorted D.indicated

10.A.contest B.contact C.content D.contend

11.A.contribute B.pay C.award D.reward

12.A.such as B.just as C.other than D.for example

13.A.by B.in C.of D.for

14.A.encouraged B.supported C.defended D.bred

15.A.available B.compatible C.durable D.negligible

16.A.compounds B.compositions C.mixtures D.items

17.A.requests B.needs C.limitations D.problems

18.A.in the form of B.in the light of C.in the case of D.in the name of

19.A.materials B.resources C.substances D.sources

20.A.to which B.in which C.by which D.through which

II Reading Comprehension (50%)

Part A

Passage 1

What exactly was the historical significance of Nov. 9, 1989? Having spent much of the summer of that year in Berlin, I have long bitterly regretted that I was not there to join in the party the night the wall came down. I mean, what kind of an aspirant historian misses history being made?

But two Berlin friends recently made me feel better by confessing that, despite being in the right city on the right date, they too missed the fall of the wall. One simply slept through the tumultuous events that unfolded after an East German official casually stated that the border was open. Her brother tried to rouse her, but she assumed he was joking when he shouted through her bedroom door: "The wall's coming down!" My other friend deliberately went to bed early to be fresh for a morning yoga class. It took her a while the next morning to work out why she was the only one to show up.

That set me thinking. Could it be that my friends and I didn't in fact miss an event of world-historical importance? Was the fall of the Berlin Wall not really History with a capital H, but just news with a lower-case n—a wonderful story for journalists but, 20 years on, actually not that big a deal? Could it be that what happened 10 years earlier, in the annus mirabilis 1979, was the real historical turning point?

Sure, it was nice for East Germans, Czechs, Hungarians, and Poles—not to mention the peoples of the Baltics, the Balkans, Ukraine, and the Caucasus—that they got rid of dreary communism and discovered the pleasures (and occasional pains) of free markets and free elections. What the British historian and eye-witness Timothy Garton Ash has called the "refolution" (reform plus revolution) that swept Central and Eastern Europe was a splendid thing, not least because the communist regimes were toppled with amazingly little bloodshed. Only in Yugoslavia, where the communists clung to power in the guise of Serbian nationalists, was there the kind of celebration that usually accompanies the end of empire—and Yugoslavia, paradoxically, was the Eastern European country that had been the first to break free of Moscow, and the first to introduce market reforms.

It may seem perverse to question the historical significance of the collapse of the Soviet empire in Mitteleuropa, and then the collapse of the Soviet Union itself. I suspect most Americans today share the Yale historian John Lewis Gaddis's view that 1989 saw the triumphant end of the Cold War, a victory achieved above all by President Ronald Reagan, though nobly assisted by Margaret Thatcher—despite her deep reservations about the unintended consequences of German reunification—and the Polish Pope John Paul II.

21. In the very beginning, the author’s experience is mentioned to _____.

A. reveal his status of being a historian  B. introduce the topic of this essay

C. call attention to the historical event  D. take pride in his being a witness

22. According the second paragraph, which of the following is TRUE?

A. two Berlin residents accompanied the writer to the fall of the wall

B. the event was started first on the western side of the famous wall

C. one friend was warming up for a yoga class for that special night

D. most people were absent from the class the day after the fall-down

23. By ‘paradoxically”, the author means ______.

A. the last communist regime turned out to be the first one against communism

B. Yugoslavia remained a communist loyalty even after the Soviet collapse

C. A British scholar created a funny word which was really splendid in Europe

D. The fact that little blood was spilled over this revolution surprised most scholars

24. In the view of J.L.Gaddis, the end of Cold War _____.

A. was brought about by the collapse of the Soviet Union  B. was accomplished with the assistance of Germans

C. was notably attributed to the leadership of Reagan  D. was deeply doubted by the British prime minister

25. The author seems to be mainly concerned with ______.

A. significance of historical events  B. story of the toppled Berlin wall

C. reporting of some witnesses  D. suspicion of historians



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