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The sign hanging above the desk of Xiao Lu, a Chinese student at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, read "Perseverance prevails. Never give up." The 28-year-old seemed to have a bright future ahead after finishing his MBA at one of the best business schools in the US and returning home.


But Lu’s life ended in the icy waters of Lake Michigan earlier this year. A police investigation found no evidence of homicide, and that instead he chose a higher spot at the lakeside before ending his own life, reported the World Journal newspaper.


Lu’s mother told media nothing seemed to be wrong when she and her son talked on video chat three days before his death.


Lu’s tragedy is not an isolated one.


In recent years, as the Chinese upper class has gotten richer, many parents have chosen to send their children abroad. Statistics from Open Door Data show the number of Chinese students studying in the US surpassed 300,000 in 2015.


But Lu’s has not been the only suicide. Li Yangkai, 20, who studied at Johns Hopkins University, jumped from the roof of his apartment building one year ago, after suffering from insomnia and depression. Lin Xu, a 22-year-old student at California State University in Fullerton, jumped from a five-storey building in his school after failing to complete a language project.


Qiu Yan, a US lawyer who has handled several cases involving suicidal Chinese students, said some suffer insomnia and depression when they encounter culture shock, the language barrier, academic pressure and communication difficulties.


In the past, the majority of Chinese students in the US were postgraduates, usually self-funded or on scholarships. But with the increasing number of rich Chinese parents ready to foot the bill, students are getting younger.




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