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Top 1:社会生活文化类专题



With the rapid development of the economy and the rising living standard, people's dietary habits and consumption idea (饮食和消费观念) have changed so much that they become more willing to accept Western diet and even prepare it themselves with the help of books on Western food.



As the living standards of Chinese people have been greatly improved, a growing number of people can afford the travel abroad. Outbound travel(出境旅游), has become more attractive to the Chinese since some overseas destinations are not crowded as domestic resorts(中国(景区)), which usually swarm with tourists.




The graph reflects the dining habit(用餐习惯) of people at different age group. People between 25 and 35 are very likely to eat outside, with 65% of them reporting(表明) their meal outside home while 35 % of them mentioning eating at home. This is totally different from the habit of people between 35 and 45 witnessed(证明) by the graph above.

The phenomenon mainly arises from the fact that family and career identity with the age has been changed. First and foremost, elder people often have become midlevel managers or even executives who do not need to worry about the uncertain future but get more freedom.Furthermore, as parents of children, they are more likely to prepare healthy diet for the kid, which becomes the top priority(首要任务) in their agenda.

Younger people between 25 and 35 have no more time or energy to make food after a long busy work day, even though sometimes they take the responsibility of child raising. However, in my personal perspective, they should return home to have dinner more frequently.


该图反映了不同年龄阶段的人的用餐习惯。 25到35岁的人喜欢在外面吃饭,其中 65%的人说他们在外面吃饭,仅 35%的人提到在家里吃饭。上图显示,这和35至45岁的人的就餐习惯完全不同。





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