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(社会发展平衡) To run a society of harmony, government are/is supposed to juggle equity and efficiency and ( ) would, without a doubt, help find balance between the two.

juggling’s one’s life

juggle v同时兼顾

the exchange of culture



To exemplify what I mean , I would share one of my memorable experiences with you.

Nothing can exemplify my viewpoint better than the situation I once was confronted with .

2011-旅游之余To exemplify my argument, I am going to examine(审视) a case (in which a neat and clear resort is favorable and popular by tourists. )


(1998年诚信)Data has always no emotion and is considered neutral/impartial which will never hide/shade the truth/reality. According to a recent poll on ( ), carried out by Sina.com,

( percent of respondents/participants/subjects )

on average, six out of ten respondents would ( like to make friends with honesty person and do business with companies that carry good reputations. )

A out of B

03溺爱——Figures never tell a lie. Data that is pulled out of research findings proved that most successful persons were not born in a rich family.

(12自信)Average people like comfortable . If you do not want to end up with ordinary people, you should make your own path

(04起点)Life is too short to be average, and you should prepare for challenge all the time


As an old saying goes, (confidence ) is (powerful strength) and it takes a lifetime to figure it out.

As the proverb goes, honesty is the best policy toward life.

Protection is the best attitude toward nature.

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