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pop corn

pop music

Sb is determined to do

Tom is determined to be a teacher.

Sb has made up one’s mind to do

I have made up my mind to get through/pass the exam.

(家教会影响孩子的身心发展,并部分决定了孩子是否有个好的性格。如果家长经常在情感和身体上离开孩子,问题就出来了。)Parenting, would affect children’s mental development and physical growth, even partially determine whether he or she would have a good personality. When parents are often emotionally absent and even physically absent, problems would pop up.

price n价格 v定价 pricing n定价

parent n父母 v教育 parenting n家教

function n作用,功能 v起效,发挥功能

functioning n起效,发挥功能

question n问题 v质疑

内因: 意识(awareness、consciousness)、心态mentality,品质性格(人性personality) etiquette礼仪、道德(morality——a slash in morality may cause crash in society)、责任感(accountability)、

(这种行为失当不仅是由于不知道造成的,而往往是心态不正确造成的)价值观In most cases, this misbehavior/pressing problem/situation is not simply caused by ignorance but by a lack of awareness of / lack of a proper mentality/attitude that+ 句子

(公共场合大声打手机是很失礼的)Talking loud over the phone in public places is a major breach of etiquette.

a major breach of principles/rules/regulations

(人类逃避责任时,问题就出现了)When individuals, as tiny part of society, skip/shrug off their responsibilities/fold their arms toward the problem/turn a blind eye to the situation, problems are bond to come up/ get pressing.


05养老——A report published this year by the China Research Centre on (aging) forecasts/ indicates that over forty present of seniors spend their last years living alone

06自信——A survey concerning +N conducted by/ carried out by the China Research Centre on (successful people、high achiever ) shows/indicates/demonstrates/ that self-confidence is the instrument(方法,途径) of their achievement/accomplishment/success.

A is the instrument of B(N/doing)

06追星——Opinion poll(民意调查) was conducted by the China Research Center on (也可以不写on sth ) to test (to how much degree, people would be affected by chasing idols and nearly 70 percent of respondents admitted that they wasted too much time and money chasing stars.

waste time/money doing sth

(自身例子)One of my experiences would fully convince you that I am right. +例子

Facts speak louder than words. +例子/I had an experience just like the picture indicates.





1、(健康——12乐观)N+ would enhance your emotional and spiritual well-being. A recent survey carried out by the China Research Center on Emotion demonstrates that a person who is ( ) tends to be more psychologically healthy and has a longer life expectancy/life span.

Keep chin up towards your future

make you a great man

2、(机会——13选择)N+would bring you more opportunities which does not guarantee you achievement overnight but means when a door is closed, more doors are open to you. Especially in current tight job fair, a person who is ( ) tends to win more job interviews over his or her opponents.

win sth over sb

stand out from sb

3、(提高个人素质——2004新起点) Being ready for challenge all the time means strong self-discipline which would contribute to the improvement of one’s personality and etiquette which would get you closer to your goal.

get sb closer to goal/dream

4、(社交,人际) () would, beyond a doubt, get you more social(善于交际) and therefore deliver a great contribution to enhance your interpersonal skills, foster your leadership, and make you a magnetic person/

strengthen personal charisma(领导魅力).


help do sth

help sb in doing sth

(企业)() which would help build a friendly and healthy business environment that would spur enterprises on self-regulating and properly operating.

(良性竞争) ( ) would encourage all enterprises to participate into a fair play which would benefit both industries and the consumers.

which would lead to a win-win deal/result

(全面建设小康社会) (As the relationship between China and the rest of the world remains steady and stable ), more vitality would be injected into the building of a well-off society in an all-round way.



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