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Chicago's schools


Hard work rewarded


Rahm Emanuel's school reforms are working


Let me teach you some new words


“NO FAMILY should go to the poorhouse because they are giving their kid a crack at theAmerican dream,” said Rahm Emanuel on January 9th. Chicago's mayor was presenting hisplans for education at Kenwood Academy, a high school on the city's South Side.


On the same day in Tennessee, President Barack Obama announced plans to exemptqualified students from tuition fees at community colleges. The White House had taken a leafout of Chicago's book, said Mr Emanuel, who last October introduced the Chicago STARScholarship, which pays the community-college tuition fees of the best graduates fromChicago's public-school system.


Mr Emanuel wants more students to enroll in a college and take courses (and, if they pass, getcredits) while still in their last year of high school, which helps to reduce their tuition costs later.With the help of a donation of 500,000 over three years from General Electric, the programmewill grow from almost 2,500 students to more than 6,000 next year. Kenwood Academy hasmore students in the programme than any other high school in Chicago.


Some of the toughest decisions Mr Emanuel had to make in his first term concerned schools.He demanded merit pay for teachers and a longer school day (Chicago's was only 5 hours 45minutes) and earmarked for closure 50 half-empty schools in poor districts. Teachers went onstrike for the first time in 25 years, but Mr Emanuel got the longer day and the closures wentahead in 2013. The teachers kept their seniority-based pay system.


Mr Emanuel ploughed some of the money saved by closures into charter schools, which madehim even more unpopular with the teachers' unions. But charter schools have worked well inChicago. The Noble Network, which already runs 16 charter high schools with 10,000 pupilsand plans to have 20,000 by 2020, has an attendance rate of 94% (compared with 73% forChicago public schools) and a drop-out rate of only 0.4% (compared with 4.7%). It also getsbetter results on the ACT, a college-readiness test. It has an even higher percentage ofminority students (98% compared with 92% at Chicago public schools), and slightly lesspublic funding.




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