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1)If I wasn’t able to avoid a mistake, chances were that no other surgeon could have, either. 2) I think it is very unlikely that he will get the job; however, it may be worth a try。

3) I feel sure that if I had come from a different background, and had really been unemployed, there is every chance that I would have been found guilty (有罪)。

4) If you try to pass the problems by, it would be impossible for you to make any progress in this field。

5) Then you might as well (完全可以) make a little money from them。

6) If the right kind of extracurricular (课外的) activities are organized, those children who have a surplus of energy(学有余力) will have a chance to develop their talents much more quickly。

7) It was almost impossible for an Indian to gain even a fair education an extremely difficult, as a result, for an Indian to rise high in life。

8) However carefully restricted the upward trips might be ,the chances are that the dwellers(居民) of the new caves would see more greenery than dwellers of surface cities do today 。



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