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四、 听句子,选择你所听到的句子。(每小题2分,共10分)

( )1. A. Before breakfast, I brush my teeth. B. After breakfast, I brush my teeth.

( ) 2. A. I like basketball best. B. I like ping-pong best.

( ) 3. A. This is me with my boots. B. This is me without my boots.

( ) 4. A. This flower is strong and healthy. B. This flower is weak and sick.

( ) 5. A. The basketball is heavy. B. The basketball is light.

五、 选出不同的单词。(每小题2分,共10分)

( )1. A. bathroom B. bedroom C. living room D. bed

( )2. A. always B. boots C. never D. sometimes

( )3. A. minute B. day C. hour D. run

( )4. A. buy B. taught C. bought D. thought

( )5. A. runners B. shorts C. shirts D. basketball


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