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Ⅶ. 请根据所给语境写出单词的正确形式,将句意补充完整。

1、She worked in an __________(办公室).

2、Chinese people ____________(建造) the Great Wall.

3、My bag is ___________(棕色的). I carry it on my __________(背部).

4、If you are ______(很好), the sun will always shine. I _____ (希望) you will be happy.

5、Dad read some books about Chinese _____________(历史) .

6、A: I will make a paper plane . Will you help me ?    B: ____  ________ (当然).

7、Our teacher is very_________ (繁忙的) every day.

Ⅷ. 连词成句。

1、dinner/ she/ for/ fish/ had ( .)

2、borrow/ can / books / you (.)

3、got/ Snow White/ you / book / have ( ?)

4、amazing / was / it ( .)

5、played / on/ I / beach /the ( .)

Ⅸ. 请为所给问句选择正确的答语,将序号填入括号内。

(   )1、What did he send to you?               A. She has eggs and bread.

(   )2、What does she have for breakfast?        B. He sent a postcard to me.

(   )3、Has she got a car?                     C. We’re making a kite.

(   )4、What will you do on Sunday?            D. No, she hasn’t.

(   )5、What are you doing ?                   E. I’ll go to the library.

Ⅹ. 根据语境,选填方框内的单词补全下列短文。

Sam’s bag is ________.He can’t take it to China. His mother will buy him

a _______one.Sam likes the green bag, because it’s small and __________.But his mother

likes the black one, because it’s big and it has got _________.It’ll be very _________for him.

So Sam takes the black bag with wheels.They are very happy.

Ⅺ.情景交际。从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话, 将答案序号写在横线上。

Ms Smart: Lingling.______________________

Lingling: Yes, I think so.

Ms Smart: ______________________

Lingling: Lanlan, Alice and Amy.

Ms Smart: ______________________

Lingling: At the park gate.

Ms Smart: ______________________

Lingling: A hamburger, two apples, some chips and two bottles of Coke.

Ms Smart: ______________________

Lingling: At eight o’clock.

Ms Smart: OK. Breakfast will be ready at half past seven.



Today we went to the school library together. We wanted to borrow the Harry Potter videos. But they haven’t got the videos. They had Harry Potter books. We borrowed lots of Harry Potter books. Because Harry Potter is our favourite. We must read fast. Because we must return the books in two weeks.

(   ) 1. There weren’t any books about Harry Potter at the library.

(   ) 2. We can read the books for two weeks.

(   ) 3. You can borrow lots of books in a bookshop.

(   ) 4. You can’t talk to others at the library.

(   ) 5. We borrowed lots of Harry Potter videos.


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