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( ) 5. Don’t worry, Mom. I will be careful. I won’t _____ my keys again.

A. find B. lose C. throw

( ) 6. He has plenty _____ books about animals.

A. at B. to C. of

( ) 7. You should drink a lot of water. That’ll _______ you healthy!

A. make B. makes C. made

( ) 8. She forgot her homework. She was _________.

A. tired B. upset C. great

( ) 9. _________ did you do that? Because I like digging holes.

A. What B. Why C. How

( ) 10. How do you play the piano? I have to ________ it.

A. blow B. press C beat

( ) 11. She got a haircut at the _________.

A. shop B. bookstore C. hair salon

( ) 12. What happened ________ Lili?

A. to B. in C. for

( ) 13. What would you like? ______________.

A. Two box of chocolates B. Two cans of cola C. A milk

( ) 14. Kate was at home. She was _________ her brother.

A. looking after B. looking at C. looking

( ) 15. What do you want? ___________________.

A. I want a guitar B. I want to be a doctor C. I want to watch TV

( ) 16. It will be _____. There will be ______.

A. snow, cold B. sunny , windy C. cloudy, rain

( ) 17. He lives _____ that island.

A. on B. in C. at

( ) 18. There are ______ stars on Chinese national flag.

A. four B. five C. six

( ) 19. She sometimes _______ the bus to school.

A. takes B. rides C. drives

( ) 20. The earth is ________ than the sun.

A. bigger B. smaller C. taller


Model A:. Do you like hiking? Yes, I go hiking every day.

1. Peter, shop, once a week


2. your friends, swim, twice a month


Model B: Where’s the bank? It’s next to the park.

1. bus stop, behind


2. restaurant, across from


Model C: What did you do last night? I read a book.

1. her father, this morning, write some letters


2. your cousin , yesterday, study English



1. What can I do for you ? Two _______ ( box ) of chocolates , please.

2. Lily likes ____________( read). She___________ ( read ) a story book tonight.

3. Why did you stay up late? Because I _______ ( watch ) TV.

4. Jim is _______ ( fat ) in his class.

5. Listen! The boys ____________ (sing) ________ (loud).

6. There _________ ( be ) __________ ( snow ) tomorrow.

7. Is May’s skirt ________ ( good ) than ________ ( you ) ? Yes, it is.

8. In winter, it’s much _______ ( cold ) in Harbin than in Guangzhou.

9. My father _________( go ) swimming _______ ( one ) a week last summer.


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