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A.How about you? B.Where is the cinema?

C.Do you go on foot? D.Where are you going this weekend?

E.How can you get there? F.Can you go on foot?

G.What do you usually do on the weekend?


B:I’m going to the cinema.


B:It’s next to the science museum.


B:I can get there by the No.15 bus.________________________

A:I’m going to the bookstore.


A:Yes,I can go on foot.It’s not far.


boy, his, then, reading, on, bookstre, cinema, dictionary,

by, with, friend, take, get, at, in, go

I have a new pen pal._________ name is John.He likes_________ stories very much.He’s going to the __________.He is going to buy a ___________.He is going there ____________ his__________.First,they are going to __________ the No.1 bus.Get off ________ the cinema,_________ turn right,and________ straight for five minutes.The bookstore is on the left.

八、根据中文提示写答句。 (10分。)

1.A:How can I get to the park? (直走3分钟)

B: _________________________________________________

2.A: What’s he going to do on the weekend? (打功夫)


3.A: What’s Sally’s hobby? (放风筝)

B: _________________________________________________

4.A:What should she do ? (穿暖和的衣服)


5.A: What does your father do?(渔民)

B: _________________________________________________

九、阅读理解 (20分)


I have a pen pal.Her name is Tina.She is thirteen,She is from Australia.She lives in the country.She is tall and strong.She likes doing word puzzles,cooking Chinese food and playing basketball.Basketball is her favourite sport.She plays after school every day.Usually she goes to school by bike.She will go bu car when she gets up late.

( )1. Who’s Tina?

A.She is my pen pal. B.She’s my classmate.

C.She’s my sister.

( )2. Where is she from?

A. America. B. Australia. C. China.

( )3. What does she do after school?

A. She plays chess. B. She plays basketball.

C. She reads books.

( )4. What is Tina like?

A.Strong and tall. B.Quiet and tall. C.Thin and short.

( )5. Does Tina usually go to school by bike?

A. Yes, she does. B.No, she goes by car.

B. No, she goes on foot. X Kb1. Co m


Dear Betty,

How are you? Winter holiday is coming. Let’s go to visit my uncle’s new farm. You like pandas, and you can see them on the farm now. My home is near the farm. Now Let me tell you how to come. First,

Take the No.33 bus. Get off at the post office. Walk straight

for 1 minute, you can see my home on the left. Then we can walk to farm.

Yours, Sarah

( )1.There are some pandas on my uncle’s farm.

( )2. Sarah’s home is far from the farm

( )3. Betty likes pandas.

( )4. Betty can go to Sarah’s home by bus.

( )5.Betty writes the letters to Sarah.



Jack is my favourite teacher.




1. A. happy 2. C. working 3. A. teach 4. C. his

5. A. where 6. B. trip 7. A. singing 8.C. playing the pipa

9. B. well 10. A. It’s sunny


1.M:Is your mother a teacher?

W: Yes,she is.

2.M: What’s your hobby?

W: I like playing football.

3.M: How does your sister feel?

W: She is angry with me.

4.M: What do you want to be,Mike?

W: I want to be a fisherman.

5.M: Where is the cinema?

W: It’s behind the bank.


1. Excuse me,how can I get to the library?

2. Is the fruit shop far from here?

3. What does that young woman do?

4. When are you going to the bookstore?

5. Does your grandpa live in Dongguan?


1.Is there a post office near here?

2.What is she going to do tonight?

3.A:What’s your hobby? B:I like dancing.

4.A:What does your aunt do ? B:She is a busnisswoman.

5.You should take a deep breath.

五、听录音,判断对错,对的写T ,错的写F。(10分)

W:I am Lily. I live in Dongguan,but my father works in Guangzhou.He likes walking,but he doesn’t walk to wor, because Guangzhou is far from Dongguan.So every Sturday,he goes home by car,and we have dinner with my mother.I am very happy.


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