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高中高一英语教案:Unit2 Friendship




(1)introduction  n.


例句:He made the introduction at the party.  他在聚会上介绍大家认识。


例句:The introduction of new advanced techniques in the factory is under discussion today.



An Introduction to Sociology 社会科学入门

an introduction to an advanced course 高级课程指南

(2)introductory adj. 介绍性的; 引言的,导论的

例句:The dean made a few introductory remarks before the lecture.


8. creative adj. 有创造力的;创造性的;独创的

creative work创造性的工作  creative writing有创意的写作

例句:Human beings are creative animals.人类是有创造力的动物。


(1)create vt.创造,创作,引起,造成

例句:All men are created equal.  人人生而平等。

Shakespeare created many famous characters.莎士比亚创造了许多有名的角色。

His words created an awkward situation.他的话引起了尴尬的场面。

(2)creation n.创造,创作物

例句:Man is the lord of creation.  人类是万物之灵。

(3)creatively adv. 创造地,有创意地

(4)creativity n.创造力,独创性

9. continue v.

(1)vi., vt 继续

例句:The discussion continued after a break.那项讨论在短暂的休息后继续进行。

I’ll continue my study for another year.我将再继续学习一年。

He continued reading (to read) when I spoke to him.当我给他说话时他仍然继续阅读。

(2)vi. 持续,仍旧

例句:According to the weather report, the weather will continue fine till this weekend.


(3)vi. vt. 留任

例句:She continued as mayor for a second term.她连任了一期市长。

10. secret

(1) adj. 保密的;只有少数人知道的

例句:Don't tell anyone about our plan, keep it a secret — it's a secret plan.


Someone has stolen the secret formula for the new drug.有人盗走了我们新药的秘密配方。

He escaped through a secret door. 他是从一个暗门逃走的。

(2)n. 秘密,机密; 奥秘,神秘; 秘诀,诀窍;秘方

the secret of nature 自然的奥秘an open secret 公开的秘密

a top secret 绝密keep a secret 守秘密kept his secret 替他保密

in secret 秘密地 (=secretly, adv.)their secret thoughts 他们内心的想法

例句:What is the secret of his success? 他成功的秘诀是什么?

We often read in novels how a seemingly respectable person or family has some terrible secret, which has been concealed from strangers for years.


The secret of this dish is in the sauce.使这道菜好吃的秘诀在于调味汁。

11. spread vt., vi. (spread, spread; spreading)


例句:The bird spread its wings.这只鸟展开翅膀。

Father spread the world map out flat on the floor and tried to find out the town where his son was fighting.


In these two years the city has quickly spread for ten miles to the north.

这两年里城市很快地向北延伸了 10 英里。


例句:The fire spread from the factory to the houses nearby.  火从工厂蔓延到附近的房舍。

The illness spread through the village.  这种病在村里蔓延开了。

How terrible! The forest fire spread quickly.  真可怕!火势在迅速地蔓延。


a field spread with wild flowers 野花遍地的田野

例句:She spread the bread with butter. (=She spread butter on the bread.)



例句:He spread the information around.他到处散布那个消息。

The news spread through the school very quickly.那消息很快就传遍了整个学校。

The story of these advanced workers spread quickly. 这些先进工人的事迹很快就传开了。


the spread of … “……的普及;……的传播;……的蔓延”。

这里 spread 是名词。

the spread of a disease 一种疾病的蔓延   the spread of education 教育的普及

12. wealthy adj.(wealthier,wealthiest)


a wealthy family 富裕的家庭

例句:If we want everyone to be healthy, wealthy and happy, strict birth control is quite essential.



a wealthy land富饶的土地  a country wealthy in natural resources 自然资源丰富的国家

wealthy in compassion 感情丰富


(1)wealthily adv. 富有地, 丰富地

(2)wealth n.


例句:The father passed on the family's wealth to his son.这位父亲把大笔家产传给儿子。


a wealth of examples 许多例子

a magazine with a wealth of photos 一本有许多图片的杂志

例句:She has a wealth of knowledge about plants. 她具有丰富的植物知识。

13. painful adj. (不可修饰人,反义词painless)


例句:His head was very painful.他的头很疼。

(2)费心费力的; 困难的

a painful task 困难的任务a painful duty 费力的工作


(1)painfully adv. 痛苦地(反义词painlessly,无痛苦的;无需努力的,不费力的)

(2)pain n.


例句:His bad behavior caused his parents a great deal of pain.



例句:He had a pain in his head.他头疼。

He has pains / a pain / pain in the shoulders.他两肩痛疼。

Has the pain passed off yet?不痛了吧?

③苦恼;烦闷; 讨厌的人;讨厌的物;厌恶

例句:She's a real pain.她真是一个令人讨厌的人。(= pain in the neck)


例句:No pains, no gains./No gains without pains. (谚)不劳则无获。

We must give him something. for his pains.我们必须给他点什么以便酬报他的辛劳。


be at pains to do sth. 苦心经营;辛苦地做

take pains (to do/in doing) 费苦心,努力做

14. attract vt.


例句:She was attracted by the novel advertisement.她被这新颖的广告吸引住了。

I tried to attract his attention, but failed.我想要引起他的注意,却枉费心机。


例句:What do you think attracts people to big cities?


He’s always attracted to women older than him.



(1)attractive adj. 有吸力的;有魅力的

例句:Her dark eyes are very attractive.      她的黑眼睛很迷人。

(2)attraction [C,U] 吸引,吸引力,吸引人的事物

例句:The idea of working for state-owned enterprises has little attraction to young people nowadays.


The main attraction of the circus was a dancing bear.


(3)attractively adv. 动人地,迷人地


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