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52. A. able B. eager C. sure D. ready

53. A. bring about B. hold back C. put up with D. stand for

54. A. guilty B. resistant C. inevitable D. capable

55. A. reluctant B. willing C. potential D. moderate

56. A. Possessing B. Processing C. Handling D. Involving

57. A. consequently B. obviously C. frequently D. occasionally

58. A. draw B. sew C. cut D. score

59. A. employ B. overcome C. challenge D. suspect

60. A. assess B. negotiate C. access D. stimulate

61. A. As B. Till C. Unless D. So

62. A. examining B. working C. learning D. achieving

63. A. continue B. intend C. wait D. pause

64. A. intelligence B. work C. attitude D. weakness

Section B

Directions: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


A Long is 6. But his world is far removed from his contemporaries. There are no transformer toys, PSP games or friends to play with, only a rough brick structure he calls home and a dog, his constant companion. The HIV-positive boy lives in Niucheping village at the foot of Malu Mountain near Liuzhou, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region.

His mother died of AIDS in 2009 and his father, racked by a terrible cough and fever, succumbed last summer.

Dressed in torn clothes, A Long’s only relief is Lao Hei or Old Black, his dog.

He lives at the end of a path on top of the mountain in his windowless, furniture-

less, gray-brick house, with worn wooden doors and rough flooring.

A Long’s parents moved to the top of the mountain six years ago after both being diagnosed as HIV-positive.

The boy washes his clothes and cooks his own food at an age when his contemporaries are still being fed by their parents. Putting some rice and green vegetables into a pot and placing it on a stove made of several blocks of cement, he starts a fire with amazing speed. He uses no oil or salt but still eats his meal with great enjoyment and sets aside a bit for his dog.

A Long is also HIV-positive but has no clue what those letters mean. All he knows is that those who were once his friends have deserted him and doctors refused to help when he accidentally tipped boiling water on his hands.

“But my grandmother always comes to see me,” the boy says.

However, his 84-year-old grandmother will not say why she has not taken him to live with her and his uncles and aunts.

He often sits in the open area in front of his home staring at the path that leads to the outside world, hugging his dog, lost in thought. He was in school but only for one term. He often takes out his old textbooks, touching them like little treasures.

The local primary school allowed A Long to take our preschool course for one term, but then they had to ask him to leave after his father was gone, considering the feeling of the other parents.

The latest news is that an old couple has decided to adopt A Long and Old Black, as well as the chicken he is raising. The local Red Cross Association is also talking about providing proper medical care for A Long. But there is still one question that troubles the little boy: “When can I go back to school?”

65. What does the underlined word mean?

A. was isolated B. was separated

C. went through D. passed away

66. Who stays with A Long most of the time?

A. His grandma. B. His dog.

C. His friends. D. The villagers.

67. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. A Long takes care of himself.

B. A Long’s food is almost tasteless.

C. A Long has no idea what AIDS is.

D. Nobody is willing to help the boy.

68. What is the best title of the passage?

A. A Boy And His Dog

B. A Capable Boy

C. A Boy Not To Be Forgotten

D. A Boy Lacking Education


Kite flying is the sport of sending up into the air, by means of the wind, a light frame covered with paper, plastic or cloth. The frame can be one of many different shapes and is attached to a long string held in the hand or wound on a drum. Kites have a long history of practical application and many different types of kite have been developed to serve various purposes.

The ancient Chinese used bird-kites to carry ropes across rivers and valleys. The current folding kite which will dive excitingly is an improved type of such a kite. With its long flat body and single pair of bird-like wings, it looks just like a large bird in the air. The modern version is usually made of tissue-paper rather than the traditional silk.

Man-lifting kites were developed in ancient times, again by the Chinese, for getting information from walled cities and army camps. In fact, as recently as World War II, German U-boats flew kites from their towers to lift people into the air to watch the land. These kites, which are no longer in existence, were made of light-weight cloth. They were much larger and stronger than the Chinese ones. Their design, however, was simply that of the cutter kite. Smaller in size, this type of kite is still very popular as a toy for children, being easy to make with a diamond-shaped frame, no wings and brown-paper covering.

Box-kites are another type of kite found in toy shops today. The first box-kite, named for its box-like body, was developed in the nineteenth century to test theories of flight and this type of cotton-covered kite greatly assisted the success of early aeroplane. These kites are the ancestors of a heavier version of the box-kite, which consists of two main sections, placed side by side. Developed for the peacetime purpose of fishing in strong sea wind, it is the only modern kite described which has practical value. A long-lasting plastic material has to be used for this kite, which carries fishing lines.

69. The ancient Chinese man-lifting kites were used _____.

A. to carry ropes across rivers and valleys

B. for the military purpose

C. as toy for children

D. for fishing in strong sea wind

70. The kites used by German U-boats in World War II were made of _____.

A. brown paper B. plastic material

C. light-weight cloth D. traditional silk

71. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. The frame of a kite is attached to a long string held in the hand.

B. The flight of box-kites contributed to the success of early plane.

C. The cutter kite has a diamond-shaped body but no wings.

D. The current folding kite is developed to test theories of flight.


Mouth bacteria grow fast in airless conditions. Oxygen rich saliva(唾液) keeps their numbers down. When we sleep, for example, the saliva stream slows, and sulfur(硫) producing bacteria gains the upper hand, producing classic “morning breath”.

Alcohol drinking, too much talking, breathing through the mouth during exercise, anything that dries the mouth produces bad breath. So can stress, though it’s not understood why. Some people’s breath turns sour every time they go on a job interview.

Saliva flow gradually slows with age, which explains why the elderly have more bad breath trouble than younger people do. Babies, however, who make plenty of saliva and whose mouths contain relatively few bacteria have characteristically sweet breath.

For most of us, the simple, dry mouth variety of bad breath is easily cured. Eating or drinking starts saliva and sweeps away many of the bacteria. Breakfast often stops morning breath.

Those with constant dry mouth find that it helps to keep gum, hard candy, or a bottle of water or juice around. Brushing the teeth wipes out dry mouth bad breath because it clears away many of the offending bacteria.

Surprisingly, one thing that rarely works is mouthwash. The liquid can mask bad breath smell with its own smell, but the effect lasts no more than an hour. Some mouthwashes claim to kill the bacteria responsible for bad breath. The trouble is, they don’t necessarily reach all offending germs. Most bacteria are well protected from mouthwash under thick layers of mucus (粘液). If the mouthwash contains alcohol—as most do—it can worsen the problem by drying out the mouth.

72. Which of the following is mentioned as one of the causes of bad breath?

A. Tooth trouble.   B. Sulfur rich food.

C. Too much exercise.   D. Mental pressure.

73. According to the passage, alcohol has something to do with bad breath mainly because ________.

A. it keeps offending bacteria from reproducing

B. its smell adds to bad breath

C. it kills some helpful bacteria

D. it affects the normal flow of saliva

74. Mouthwashes are not an effective cure for bad breath mainly because ________.

A. they can’t mask the bad odor long enough

B. they can’t get to all the offending bacteria

C. their strong smell mixes with bad breath and makes it worse

D. they can’t cover the thick layers of mucus







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