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The French word renaissance means rebirth.It was first used in 1855 by the historian Jules Michelet in his History of France,then adopted by historians of culture,by art historians,and eventually by music historians,all of whom applied it to   European culture during the 150 years spanning 1450-1600.The concept of rebirth was appropriate to this period of European history because of the renewed interest in ancient Greek and Roman culture that began in Italy and then spread throughout Europe.Scholars and artists of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries wanted to restore the learning and ideals of the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome.To these scholars this meant a return to human—as opposed to spiritual values.Fulfillment in life—as opposed to concern about an afterlife—became a desirable goal,and expressing the entire range of human emotions and enjoying the pleasures of the senses were no longer frowned on.Artists and writers now turned to secular(不朽的)as well as religious subject matter and sought to make their works understandable and appealing.

These changes in outlook deeply affected the musical culture of the Renaissance period—how people thought about music as well as the way music was composed,experienced,discussed,and circulated.They could see the architectural monuments,sculptures(雕塑),plays,and poems that were being rediscovered,but they could not actually hear ancient music—although they could read the writings of classical philosophers,poets,essayists,and music theorists that were becoming available in translation.They learned about the power of ancient music to move the listener and wondered why modern music did not have the same effect.For example,the influential religious leader Bernardino Cirillo expressed disappointment with the learned music of his time.He urged musicians to follow the example of the sculptors,painters,architects,and scholars who had rediscovered ancient art and literature.

The musical Renaissance in Europe was more a general cultural movement and state of mind than a specific set of musical techniques.Furthermore,music changed so rapidly during this century and a half—though at different rates in different countries—that we cannot define a single Renaissance style.

36.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The musical compositions that best illustrate the developments during the European Renaissance.

B.The musical techniques that were in use during the European Renaissance.

C.The European Renaissance as a cultural development that included changes in musical style.

D.The ancient Greek and Roman musical practices used during the European Renaissance.

37.The underlined word “now” in Paragraph 1 refers to _____.


B.the period of the Renaissance

C.tile time of the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome

D.the time at which the author wrote the passage

38.It can be inferred from the passage that thinkers of the Renaissance were seeking a rebirth of ________.

A.spirituality in everyday life

B.communication among artists across Europe

C.a cultural emphasis on human values

D.religious themes in art that would accompany the traditional secular themes

39.What can be inferred about the music of ancient Greece and Rome?

A.Its effect on listeners was described in a number of classical texts.

B.It was played on instruments that are familiar to modern audiences.

C.It expressed more different ideals than classical sculpture,painting and poetry.

D.It had the same effect on Renaissance audiences as it had when originally performed.

40.According to the passage,why was Bernardino Cirillo disappointed with the music of his time?

A.It did not contain enough religious themes.

B.It had little emotional impact on audiences.

C.It was not complex enough to appeal to musicians.

D.It was too dependent on the art and literature of his time.


The high school prom is the first formal social event for most American teenagers.It has also been a rite(仪式) of passage for young Americans for nearly a century.

The word “prom” was first used in the 1890s,referring to formal dances in which the guests of a party would display their fashions and dancing skills during the evening’s grand march.In the United States,parents and educators have come to regard the prom as an important lesson in social skills.Therefore,proms have been held every year in high schools for students to learn proper social behavior.

The first high school proms were held in the 1920s in America.By the 1930s,proms were common across the country.For many older Americans,the prom was a modest,home­grown affair in the school gymnasium.Prom­goers were well dressed but not fancily dressed up for the occasion:boys wore jackets and ties and girls their Sunday dresses.Couples danced to music provided by a local amateur band or a record player.After the 1960s,and especially since the 1980s,the high school prom in many areas has become a serious exercise in excessive consumption,with boys renting expensive tuxedos and girls wearing designer gowns.Expensive cars were hired to drive the prom­goers to big restaurants or discos for an all­night celebrations

Whether simple or lavish,proms have always been more or less upsetting events for adolescents who worry about self­image and fitting in with their peers.Prom night can be a fearful experience for socially awkward teens or for those who do not secure dates.Since the 1990s,alternative proms have been organized in some areas to meet the needs of particular students.For example,proms organized by and for homeless youth were reported.There were also “couple­free” proms to which all students are welcome.

41.In what way are high school proms significant to American teenagers?

A.They are part of the graduation ceremony.

B.They are occasions for teens to show off their wealth.

C.They are important events for teenagers to learn social skills.

D.They are formal events in which teens share their fearful experiences.

42.Which best expresses the main idea of the third paragraph?

A.Proper social behavior must be observed by prom­goers.

B.Proms held in earlier times gave less pressure to teenagers.

C.Proms are regarded as important because everyone dresses up for the occasion.

D.The prom has changed from a modest event to an expensive party over the years.

43.According to the text,what led to alternative proms?

A.Not all students behaved well at the proms.

B.Proms were too serious for young prom­goers.

C.Teenagers wanted to attend proms with their dates.

D.Students with special needs did not enjoy conventional proms.

44.Which is true according to the text?

A.Unconventional proms have been organized since the 1990s.

B.In the 1980s,proms were held in local churches for teenagers to attend.

C.Proms have been a significant event in American high schools since the 1930s.

D.In the 1890s,high school proms were all­night social events.

45.Which of the following is suggested but not clearly stated?

A.Many high school students attend proms together with their lovers.

B.The first high school proms were held in the 1920s in America.

C.Prom night can be a fearful experience for socially awkward teens.

D.The high school prom is the first formal social event for most American teenagers.

第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



A.The Presidium

Our job includes the formation of an overall work plan and organization of activities,preparation for a communication platform between students and teachers,and coordination(协调) for the departments.We will try  our best to serve all in our school.

B.Department of Culture and Propagation

We design posters for all big events and activities on campus;we announce plans and activities;we distribute notices from the school and Students’ Union.

C.Department of Art and Sports

Our job is to arrange arts and sports activities and competitions.We are devoted to the encouragement of all in our school to show their talents,as well as to enjoy rich school life.

D.Department of School Life Management

Our department aims to solve the problems that appeared in our students’ school life.We listen to opinions and suggestions about the school services and equipment.We report these suggestions to the school.

E.Department of Associations

We are the organizers of the students’associations.Our job is to manage activities of the students’associations.We provide a rich and challenging after­school program for all of the students.

F.Department of External Relations

We are the connection between our school and our brother schools.We are the window to show our students’ talents.We demonstrate our advantages and characteristics through promotion and activities.Our target is to spread our reputation all over the country and overseas.


(  )46.Simon has got many pen friends and net friends home and abroad.He loves this school and wishes that he could do something to have more people know about it,those excellent teachers and students,the activities,and its glorious achievements.

(  )47.As an excellent basketball player,Jonathan plays an active part in all of the school’s activities.He thinks sport can help people keep healthy and everybody should take part.He wishes to arrange some activities that everybody could join in.

(  ) 48.Frank showed his ability of organization when he was still a very young boy.As a student,he wishes he could do something to improve the relationship between the teaching staff and the students.And,as a matter of fact,he has that ability.

(  ) 49.Jennifer is a kind and helpful girl who is always willing to offer a helping hand to whoever needs it.As a student,she knows that many of her schoolmates need help and care.She wishes that she could do something for them.

(  ) 50.Flora’s majoring in fine arts and has a part­time job in an advertisement company.She once successfully designed a few movie posters and got much appreciation from the manager of the company.Now she wants to do something for Students’ Union.


第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)

今天是九月九日重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival),你作为志愿者和班上的其他同学到养老院去慰问老人,以下是今天的主要活动:













第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。      There is a story telling of a religious master who is said to be capable of moving mountains.A man came to him asking for a demonstration.The master sat in front of a mountain for a moment,then went to the other side of it and declared the end of the demonstration.All the audiences were greatly puzzled and begged him for an explanation.He said,“There has never been a way of moving mountains;what you can do is to go to the mountain if it doesn’t come.”       One of my friends,though with the makings of a merchant,was bent on being a painter.He resigned from office and devoted himself entirely to painting at home.Several years,however,saw no progress in this regard.      A painful retrospection brought him to his senses.He made up his mind to take up business in place of painting.It took him only a few years to become a rich businessman.Meanwhile he spent his spare time exchanging experience and skills in painting and calligraphy.His works finally won acclamation by expert painters and were on sale in art galleries and grand hotels.He had his collections published and his dream of becoming a painter came true at last.

写作内容 请就以上的文章写一篇读后感,内容包括: 1.以约30词概括短文的内容要点。 2.然后以约120词就“学会改变”为主题,发表你的看法,并至少包含以下的内容要点: (1)根据你的生活经历,当所面对的事实无法改变时,是否应该改变自己? (2)简述一个改变自己的例子。 (3)你认为有时候改变自己,才能最终改变属于自己的世界吗? 写作要求 1.你可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的观点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子。 2.标题自定。 评分标准 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。 ________________________________________________________________________


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