



1. John could dance well_______ (没有)music.

2. My parents always tell us to listen_______(认真地)in class.

3.Dogs like to eat_______(骨头).

4. The little dog is very_______ ([wi:k]).We must take it to the animal centre.

5.June 8th, 2013 was an_______(不同寻常的)day because Chinese Chairman Xi Jinping held a meeting with American President Obama on that day.

6. The Sun is over 300, 000 times _______ (large) than the Earth.

7. They are_______([sɜ:tʃ])the forest for the missing boy.

8. This cake is too_______([draɪ]).Who made it?

9.Teachers use_______(粉笔)to write on the blackboard.

10. -How many students are there in the classroom?

-_______ [nʌn]. They are all playing on the playground.

11.We all live on the E_______.

12. I w_______ who broke the window of the classroom.

13. The result (结果) of the sports rneeting is very_______(令人惊讶的).

14. She_______(练习)dancing every day when she was ten years old.

15. There is only fat in the back of _______ (['elɪfənts]) feet.


1.. At last they_______ (run) away successfully.

2. Jim left without_______ (say)a word.

3. -It’s dangerous to swim here. Look at the sigh.

- Oh, I ________(not see) it. Thanks for telling me.

4. Tom’s bird __________(lay) an egg yestoday.

5. Listen! The music __________(sound) wonderful.

6. I thought the whisper _________(come) from the top the tree.

7. Everyone knows that fish ________(sleep) with their eyes open.

8. Hurry up, or you __________(miss) the beginning of the film.

9. – Hi, Jim. I called you last night, but nobody answered me.

-- I’m sorry. I __________(watch) a film with my sister in the cinema.

10. -How was your holiday?

-Very good. I __________(visit) a museum with my parents.


1. On their way to home, they found a purse on the ground.       ________________

2. He usually sleeps with the windows close.                   _________________

3. Some animals are very big and heavy, but they can move quiet.  _________________

4. Do you know any fun fact about the world?                  _________________

5. The little boy doesn’t afraid of snakes any more.              _________________

6. It's easy and quickly to get information from the Internet.       _________________

7. They searched for the room but found nothing.               _________________

8.We shouldn’t watch TV and do homework at same time.        _________________

9. Simon went to school with breakfast. Now he is very hungry.    _________________

10. Please find when the train leaves. They’ll go to Beijing tomorrow morning.  _______



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