


(     )8. ---I feel thirsty.(口渴的) I want something to drink. What about you?

---OK. Let’s go and buy some ________.  A milk    B bread    C chocolate

(     )9. ---There ______ lots of bread on the plate. Would you like some?

--- Just a little, please.    A is   B are   C am   D be

(     )10.--- ______ does your father have ______ lunch?  --- Chicken and tomatoes.

A What; for   B What;/   C How; for    D How; /

(     )11. He eats eggs, oranges _____ apples.   A. or   B. and    C. but    D. /

(     )12.Let’s  ___broccoli. Oh, no. I ___carrots.

A.to have,  likes    B.have, don’t like     C.to have, don’t like    D. have like

(     )13.---Let’s watch TV.---It ___boring.    A.has    B.sounds     C. sound     D.have

(     )14.Amy ___every day.

A. watch TV    B.play sports   C .plays computer games    D.likes oranges


1.There are four ___________(tomato) in the drawer.

2.Jeff likes ____________ (strawberry) very much.   3.Are these _________ (you)oranges?

4..Sonia _______ (have) a sports collection.        5.She _______(like) bananas.

6.I _______( not like) math.              7. She ________(play) sports every day.

8.The food _______(be)very healthy.    9.Where _______ (be)the vegetables?

10. –Do you like bananas? --No, I don’t like __________ (it) at all.

11. Peter likes ________ (play) basketball.  12. Xiaoming eats lots of ____________(health)food.



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