



(     )1.The skirt on the shelf looks ______ . Can I ______ ?

A. nice, try on it    B. well , wear it   C. good, dress it   D. smart, try it on

(     )2.One of my best friends ______ going to ______ a model when she grows up.

A. are, be     B. is , become    C. wants , do        D. are, become

(     )3.----May I go to see a film now? ------ Sorry, you ______ .

A. don’t      B. can’t        C. aren’t        D. needn’t

(     )4.The mother usually ______ the twins in the same clothes.

A. wears      B. puts on       C. dresses        D. tries on

(     )5. ----_______________?

------I’m looking for a T-shirt for hot summer.

A. What can I do for you ?     B.Can you help me ?

C. What did you do ?          D. What can you do for me ?

(     )6. Don’t hurry, I will give you ______ .

A. five more minutes        B. more five minutes

C. five minutes more         D. A and C

(     )7.--- __________ did the silk dress ________ you ? -----150 yuan.

A. How many , cost         B. How much,. Cost

C.How many , spend         D.How much, spend

(     )8.The shoes are made ______ Guangzhou . They are made ______ leather.

A. of, in       B. in , from       C. from, of         D. in, of

(     )9.Jack needs ______ and needn’t ______ too much.

A. exercise more , to sleep          B. to exercise more , sleep

C. more exercise , to sleep           D. have more exercise, sleep

(     )10. ---- This year I want to be the top student in my class.

---- ______________________ .

A. Congratulations              B. Never mind.



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