


them, too. He is too old to do any work. He sits in his chair by the fireside all day, but sometimes, in summer, takes his chair into the garden. Mr Baker has been ill for over a month. He has been too ill to go to work. And he can’t drive his bus.

( ) 1. How many people are living in Mr Baker’s family?

A. Five B. Six C. Seven D. Eight

( ) 2. Mr Baker has been ill for __________.

A. four and a half months B. a summer C. about a month D. more than a month

( ) 3. Mr Butcher is __________.

A. so old that he can’t do any work B. Martin Baker’s father C. a bus driver D. lying in his chair by the fireside B Weather forecast of major Chinese cities City Max(c) Min(c) Weather Beijing 27 19 thundershowers Tianjin 28 18 drizzle Shanghai 35 27 Sunny Xi’an 36 22 cloudy to showers Chengdu 28 21 thundershowers Kunming 26 17 drizzle Harbin 31 18 Sunny Wuhan 38 30 Sunny

( ) 4. What’s the weather like in Shanghai?

A. drizzle B. fine C. cloudy D. thundershowers

( ) 5. Which city has the highest temperature?

A. Wuhan B. shanghai C. Xi’an D. Harbin

( ) 6. There are thundershowers in _______ .

A. Tianjin B. Beijing C. Chengdu D. both B and C C Newspaper Advertisements(广告) Business Services Tutoring(家教) English, Math, Physics, Computer Call Miss Smith, 800-3594 Early hour wake-up service Tel. 800-0780 Wedding invitations(婚礼邀请) Call 800-0942 anytime Typing and editing(打字编辑) Call Jean, 800-3535, 10a.m.-10p.m. Guitar teacher Wants students. Folk/ jazz. Bob 800-7535 Help Wanted Baby-sitter(保姆) My home: care for a school age child. Please call Gayle Moore days 800-1111, evenings and weekends 800-4964 Telephone receptionist(接线员) No experience necessary. Good pay. Tel. 800-2817. After 9 a.m. Waitress(女招待) Wanted 10 a.m.



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