


VI. 阅读理解

阅读下面短文,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(10分)


On October 25,Liu Xiang picked up a gold medal at the 11th Chinese National Games. He is a first Chinese hurdler to win a gold medal three times. “I,m feeling great,,,Liu said. “I started to take part in the National Games at the age of 18. Now I,m 26. I hope I can run at the Games again in four years. ”

Zhang Lili,a Chinese language teacher in Jiamusi,Heilongjiang province,was run over by a school bus as she pushed two students out of the way. After news of the accident was reported online, micro blogs were filled with concern (关注)and admiration (钦佩)for the teacher,with one netizen (网名)calling Zhang “ the most beautiful teacher in China”.

On November 16,an overloaded (超载)school bus ran into a coal truck in Gansu province. The accident killed at least 21 People—including 19 preschoolers (学龄前儿童)and hurt another 43, mostly children. The nine-seated bus was overloaded with 64 people.

56. The three passages above are most probably taken from .

A. Newspapers B. Novels C. Diaries D. Books

57. What does the underlined part mean?

A. 拾起 B. 恢复 C. 顺便学到 D. 摘取

58. What can be the best title for the second passage?

A. Two pushed-away students.        B. The most beautiful teacher in China.

C. The most beautiful bride (新娘). D. A Chinese language teacher.

59. How many preschoolers were killed in the accident?

A.64.    B.21. C.19. D.43.

60. Which is Not mentioned in the passage?

A. Zhang Lili comes from Heilongjiang province.

B. Liu Xiang joined in the National Games when he was 18.

C. The school bus accident happened in Gansu province.

D. More yellow school buses will be seen on the road in China.


For 15-year-old Liu Xingjian, the most difficult thing in life is getting up at 5:50 am every school day.

“I don’t want to get up so early” the eight–grade Beijing primary school student said. “ I want more sleep. Would you mind telling our headmaster about this?” he said to me.


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