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以下就是威廉希尔app 为同学们搜集的2014唯美忧伤的英语句子。希望同学们学习进步。

1、Sleeping without a dream makes us feel empty.Maybe the only way to console us is having a warm quilt and an unknown dream.也许只有夜晚一床温暖的棉被和一个好梦,才可以慰藉每天有太多不如意的我们。

2、If a man urge me to tell wherefore I love him, I feel that it can not be expressed but by answering, "Because it was he, because it was myself." 如果有人问我为什么爱他,我觉得我只能如此回答:“ 因为是他,因为是我。”

3、Thanks for the night coming, I know that no matter how fail, the new day is waiting for me to prove myself.感谢黑夜的来临,我知道今天不论有多失败,全新的明天仍然等待我来证明自己。

4、Caring for someone is easy, but to make someone care for you is difficult. So never lose the one who really cares for you! 关心别人很容易,但要让别人关心你,却很难。所以不要轻易失去那个真正关心你的人!

5、A real graceful lady, never shows off what she has, where she has been,or what jewellery she got. Because she has no sense of inferiority. 真正的气质美女,从不炫耀她所拥有的一切。她不告诉人她去过什么地方,买过什么珠宝,因为她没有自卑过。

6、The key for happiness is not to find a perfect person, but find someone and build a perfect relationship with him. 幸福的关键不在于找到一个完美的人,而在找到一个人,然后和他一起努力建立一个完美的关系。

7、Just because you know my name does not mean you know my life. Just because you've heard a rumor does not make it true.你听说过我,不代表你了解我。你听过一些流言,不代表就是真的。

8、Some days, I just wanna do nothing, lie in my bed for the entire day and cry myself to sleep. After all, I've been too strong for too long.有些日子,我真希望什么也不做,一整天都躺在床上,为自己哭到睡着。我实在是硬撑了太久了。

以上是由威廉希尔app 为大家整理的2014唯美忧伤的英语句子,如果您觉得有用,请继续关注威廉希尔app 。



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