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The head of the Democratic National Committee has resigned after the leaking of 20,000 emailsexposed rifts in the party leadership, throwing Hillary Clinton’s campaign into turmoil on theeve of this week’s convention.

在遭泄露的2万份电子邮件揭示出美国民主党领导层内存在裂痕后,民主党全国委员会(Democratic NationalCommittee,简称DNC)主席已提出辞职。在本周的民主党全国代表大会前夕,她的辞职令希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的竞选陷入一片混乱。

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC chairwoman, said on Sunday that she would be steppingdown at the end of the convention in the wake of the leaks that have cast both her and heroffice in a negative light.

邮件泄露后,民主党全国委员会主席黛比•沃瑟曼•舒尔茨(Debbie Wasserman Schultz)上周日表示,她会在本次大会结束时离职。邮件泄露令她和她的办公室成为了负面新闻焦点。

Ms Wasserman Schultz will open and close the event but by the end of the week her duties areto be taken over by Donna Brazile, a longtime Democratic operative and alumna of Bill Clinton’sWhite House.

沃瑟曼•舒尔茨将主持此次大会的开幕和闭幕,但在本周结束前,她的职务将由唐娜•布拉齐尔(DonnaBrazile)接任。后者曾长期担任民主党党工,也曾是比尔•克林顿(Bill Clinton)在白宫的幕僚。

The resignation comes in the wake of a growing scandal over the DNC’s closeness to theClinton campaign during the primary — a time when the committee is supposed to beimpartial — and threatens to overshadow the first days of the convention and the newsthat Michael Bloomberg, the former New York mayor, will endorse Mrs Clinton on theconvention stage.

在沃瑟曼•舒尔茨辞职前,民主党全国委员会卷入了一宗愈演愈烈的丑闻。丑闻涉及民主党初选期间该委员会与希拉里竞选活动的密切关系——它本该在这一时期保持中立。沃瑟曼•舒尔茨的辞职可能会为民主党全国代表大会的头两天蒙上阴影,也会为纽约市前市长迈克尔•布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)将在大会现场为希拉里站台的消息蒙上阴影。

Last month the DNC reported that it had been hacked by what it believed were Russiangovernment hackers, who had gained access to the committee’s email system for up to 12months. The committee’s emails are now slowly being released to the public by WikiLeaks, whichpublished an initial trove of 20,000 on Friday.


In a statement, Ms Wasserman Schultz said she would be stepping down to better focus onserving as Mrs Clinton’s surrogate in Florida, where she is one of the state’s representatives toCongress. But she did not directly address the leaks or some of the specific emails that havegained attention.


In one message sent on May 21, Ms Wasserman Schultz suggested that it was not worthresponding to a particular claim by Bernie Sanders, who at the time was fiercely campaigningagainst Mrs Clinton for the Democratic nomination. “He isn’t going to be president,” she said ofMr Sanders.

在5月21日发送的一封电子邮件中,沃瑟曼•舒尔茨暗示不值得回应伯尼•桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)的一份声明。当时,桑德斯正处于同希拉里争夺民主党总统候选人提名的激烈选战之中。沃瑟曼•舒尔茨在提到桑德斯时表示:“他不会成为总统的。”

In another email, a DNC staffer suggested planting a story about the problems that hadplagued Mr Sanders’ campaign.


“Wondering if there’s a good Bernie narrative for a story, which is that Bernie never had hisact together, that his campaign was a mess,” Mark Paustenbach, a DNC communicationsofficer, wrote to Luis Miranda, the DNC’s communications director.

民主党全国委员会沟通官员马克•保斯滕巴赫(Mark Paustenbach)在给沟通部门主管路易斯•米兰达(LuisMiranda)的电子邮件中写道:“不知道可不可以好好报道下伯尼,就说伯尼从来都没有章法,说他的竞选一团糟。”

Mr Sanders, who has been calling for months for Ms Wasserman Schultz to resign, said he wasnot surprised by the content of the emails. “I told you a long time ago that the DNC was notrunning a fair operation, that they were supporting Secretary Clinton,” he told ABC News’George Stephanopoulos.

桑德斯几个月来一直呼吁沃瑟曼•舒尔茨辞职,他表示自己对这些电子邮件的内容并不感到惊讶。他对ABCNews的乔治•斯特凡诺普洛斯(George Stephanopoulos)说:“我早就告诉过你,民主党全国委员会行事不公,他们在支持希拉里。”

Robby Mook, Mrs Clinton’s campaign manager, suggested on Sunday that the leak of the DNCemails on the eve of the convention could be an effort by Russia to give a boost to Mr Trump,the Republican candidate who has often sounded sympathetic to Moscow.

希拉里的竞选经理罗比•穆克(Robby Mook)上周日暗示,在全国代表大会前夕发生的这起民主党全国委员会电子邮件泄露,可能是俄罗斯为了助唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)一臂之力而干的,这位共和党总统候选人常常对俄罗斯表示同情。

“What’s disturbing to us is that experts are telling us Russian state actors broke into theDNC, stole these emails, and other experts are now saying that the Russians are releasingthese emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump,” Mr Mook told CNN.


Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, said the saga over theemails underscored the claim by Mr Trump that the Democratic primary process was rigged.Speaking at an event in Philadelphia, he said that “when you rig a system . . . this kind ofoutcome is inevitable”.

共和党全国委员会(Republican National Committee)主席雷恩斯•普瑞巴斯(Reince Priebus)表示,邮件泄露事件支持了特朗普的说法,即民主党初选过程受到了操纵。普瑞巴斯在费城一场活动上表示,“当你操纵一个体制时……这种结果是不可避免的。”

On Sunday, protesters were already staging rallies not far from the convention site. On socialmedia some Sanders supporters were demanding that he revoke his endorsement of MrsClinton following the DNC leaks.








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