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Classical music is said to be best paired with Italian food while a blast of rock music from the likes of Bruce Springsteen will ensure your Indian food tastes even spicier.

Charles Spence,a professor of experimental psychology, is convinced that certain musicalgenres complement different cuisines.

And he is so certain of the links between music and the enjoyment of food that he believes takeaways could soon be delivered along with a CD.

The academic's other studies have found that people can experience 15 percent more pleasure if music matches the wine.

A Cabernet Sauvignon should be paired with Won’t Get Fooled Again by The Who to bring out its depth while a Chardonnay will slide down more easily accompanied by Atomic by Blondie.

One major champagne house has already adopted music, from Bryan Ferry to Tchaikovsky, to accompany its luxury products.

Lighting is also said to play a part in the choices people make in cafes and restaurants, with bright lights meaning they are more likely to choose spicier wings and dim lights leading to moremellow choices such as a cappuccino over an espresso.

Colour can also have an effect with recent tests in London showing that ambient light can enhance flavour with red wine drunk in red light tasting fruitier.







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