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Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang says this year has seen a remarkable amount of economic trade between China and the US.

"From January to October, there has been a 35-percent increase of the trade volume of American companies in China. Meantime, China's direct investment to the US in the non-financial sector achieved an over 30-percent rise. The temperature for China-US cooperation has been consistently rising."

However, as the Chinese economy enters a period of self-restructuring, anaylists warn of a more challenging environment for foreign investment, such as rising labor costs, stricter marketsupervision and less preferential policies.

To create a better investment environment, China has adjusted economic structures and further advanced its policy of opening-up.

Senior inspector at the American chamber of Commerce in China, Zeng Jiang, says heremains optimistic and confident about China's investment environment in the future.

"I think the future is very bright. There are a number of things that need to be addressed. There are a certain part of businesses that are not allowed in china for foreign companies. But I think overall it is very positive. They could pass the bilateral investment treaty. That is the best thing they could do."



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