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如果你今早不是走路而是坐公交上班的,不用觉得内疚。一项调查显示,乘坐公交和火车通勤的人比走路上班的人更健康。威廉希尔app 为您整理了英语新闻阅读,希望能为大家的学习带来帮助。


It isn't clear why but it may be that when the walk to the bus or train station is factored in, those who take public transport are actually getting more exercise.

The counterintuitive finding comes from a study of 6,000 Japanese adults who underwent a battery of health tests and provided information on their commute.

Those who took the bus or train were deemed to be the fittest – they were the slimmest, had the best blood pressure and were the least likely to have diabetes.

Importantly, those who took public transport were 40 per cent less likely to be diabetic overall and 26 per cent less likely to be diabetic than the walkers. Those who walked or cycled were next healthiest, while those who drove to work were in the worst shape, the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions meeting in Florida heard.

A spokesman for the association said: 'While it's already established that a physically active lifestyle helps reduce the likelihood of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity, it is unclear whether these risk factors for heart disease and stroke are affected by how you get to work.







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