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While past relationship studies have focused on single facets at one given time, researchers say the new study can capture the complexity of dating in order to predict the outcome.

The study tracked the progress of 376 unmarried couples in their mid-20's over a period of nine months.

Feedback from the participants led researchers to identify four different commitment patterns: dramatic, partner-focused, socially involved, and conflict-ridden.

After nine months, the study found that relationships in the dramatic category, which 34 percent of sample group the fell into, were the most likely to break up out of the four patterns.

This group was found to have more ups and downs, and spent more time apart during the dating period.

Those who exhibited a conflict ridden pattern were found to be more likely to stay together than the dramatic group.

Partner-focused couples showed the most promise for progression in the relationship.

While the study determined that being partner-focused can lead to progress, it also found that a relationship's stability can be paired with the individuals' involvement in their social spheres.

Ultimately researchers found that looking back on fluctuations in commitment, more-so than measuring overall quality, can raise red-flags about the stability of the relationship and its chances of survival.

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