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在网上卖了二十年的书后,亚马逊的实体书店也向客户敞开了大门。威廉希尔app 为您整理了关于英语的新闻,希望能为大家的学习带来帮助。


Amazon Books, which opened Tuesday in Seattle's University Village, is being dubbed a 'physical extension' of the largest online retailer in the country.

But don't except the shop to be a place where you can pick up your newest Amazon.com purchase.

Instead the company is using the data it's generated from the website, such as ratings, pre-orders and sales, to combine 'the benefits of offline and online book shopping', vice president Jennifer Cast said in a statement.

Customers at Amazon Books will notice one major difference the minute they first walk into the store.

Each of the 5,000 to 6,000 titles are displayed with 'face-out', meaning you are presented with the cover instead of the book's spine.

Cast said the company wanted to put each author's work on display.

'We realized that we felt sorry for the books that were spine out,' she told The Seattle Times.

And below each book will be something different too: a card that contains a review or rating from a customer on the site.

Although Amazon Books does have the 'staff-favorites' section familiar to many bookstores, Cast said she wanted to share the voices of thousands of passionate readers that come on the site.

'What better way to celebrate reading than to have the voices of readers under our books?' she said.







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