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Yes, England is divided when it comes to eating biscuits, according to a poll showing 65% of those north of Stoke are big dippers.

They happily wait for the biscuit to go soft before tucking in - risking it ending up in the mug.

But in the more tentative South, more than 50% of tea and coffee breakers minimise moisture with a brief plunge and delicate first bite.

Custard creams are king in Yorkshire, says the Waitrose Food and Drink report, while chocolate digestives rule in Lancs, Oxford and Cambridge.

Curiously Oxford prefers dark and Cambridge, milk.

Ginger nuts are tops in the North East.

Traditional Rich Tea is a favourite in the south west and Wales while Midlands folk enjoy Malted Milk.

Cookies are the number one choice in the East of England but bizarrely the Sussex coast breaks with tradition preferring KitKat bars to biccies.

Unsurprisingly, shortbread is the top choice in Scotland.

Waitrose said: "The nation's dunking habits produced surprising results. Choice of biscuit could definitely be linked to your postcode."

Londoners go for posh "breakfast biscuits".

But if children did the shopping, we'd all be eating Jammie Dodgers, according to data from 343 Waitrose stores.

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