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双语新闻:英国乔治小王子生日照曝光 会独立行走



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Invented by the Queen on an overseas tour in 1970 to ensure she was seen by her fans, it’s been an essential part of the Royal repertoire ever since.

And now, in a portrait released to mark his first birthday on Tuesday, the third in line to the throne has shown he’s learned an early lesson from his great grandmother. Easy does it: George puts his best foot forward and shows why he's ready to continue a key Royal tradition.

Like her, he’s delighting his audience with a trademark outfit, sensible shoes and a twinkle in his eye.

But what’s all his own work is the newly-mastered art of walking – this is the first time we have seen George standing on his own two feet.

The delightful shot was captured on a family outing to the Natural History Museum’s Sensational Butterflies Exhibition in London.

The Duchess of Cambridge, who became a patron of the museum last year, took her husband and son to see it earlier this month.

Press Association Royal photographer John Stillwell was there to record the day and his lens found George practising his walking unaided.

The last time the Prince was seen in public, at a Father’s Day polo match in June, he still needed his mother’s hand to help him keep his balance.

But here, to his obvious delight, he has reached another significant milestone.

Although some babies walk as early as nine months, others can be twice that age, making George’s achievement at around ten months remarkable.

George enjoyed an early birthday celebration at the Berkshire home of his grandparents, Michael and Carole Middleton who, with the help of his Auntie Pippa, organised a Peter Rabbit-themed party with guests including Mia Tindall, Zara and Mike Tindall’s baby girl.

But his main party will be a low-key affair at Kensington Palace on Tuesday with only his closest family – including the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall – and friends in attendance.

One palace insider revealed: ‘This is a couple who do things quietly and below the radar. Kate is organising the special tea party and she will be the one baking the cake.’








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