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有关叶诗文的英语新闻:叶诗文Ye Shiwen



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有关叶诗文的英语新闻:叶诗文Ye Shiwen

Ye Shiwen was born on March 1st, 1996 in Zhejiang Hangzhou. She is the athlete of Chinese women's swimming. Ye Shiwen was 14 years old in 2010, when she participated in the Asian Games for the first time and won the women's 200 meters, 400 meters individual medley champion, becoming a rising star of the Chinese swimming team. She won the 200 m Medley champion during the Shanghai World Swimming Championships in 2011. She is the first one appeared on the world championship podium as the "95" generation, and the youngest world champion swimmer since 1978. In the 2012 London Olympic Games, Ye Shiwen won the women's 400 m Medley match, and break the world record by 4 points 28 seconds 43. Then she broke the Olympic record in the women's 200 meters medley twice. She created the history that Chinese swimming personal won two Olympic champion in single session. By the end of 2012, after winning the Turkey Istanbul short course Championships becomes the first China's Grand Slam winner.


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