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关于《白日焰火》夺柏林金熊奖The Day Fireworks Won the Golden Bear Award



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The 64th Berlin Film Festival held the Award ceremony in the morning of February 16th. The Chinese movie "The Day Fireworks” Directed by Diao Yinan, and starred by Liao Fan, Lunmei Kwai and Wang Xuebing won the Golden Bear Award for best film.


The actor Liao Fan of "The Day Fireworks" won the best actor of Berlin Film Festival by the success of this movie.


The new best actor Liao Fan said that yesterday was his 40 years old birthday, and this award was the best birthday gift. While the director Diao Yinan thought that this honor belonged to everyone, belonged to the film, and belonged to all.


Golden Bear award is the highest honor in the Berlin International Film Festival. the Golden Lion prize, the Palme d'Or and it were the symbol of three highest honor in movie festival. This award was issued from 1952. It mostly award for the best story, documentary films, science and educational films, art films and so on.


"The Day Fireworks" is a crime film about love. It tells the love story of redemption among Lunmei Kwai, Liao Fan, Wang Xuebing caused by a bizarre murder case.



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