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Tank fire has killed at least 15 Palestinians sheltering at a school in a Gaza refugee camp, the UN says.



Witnesses at the UN-run Abu Hussein school, where thousands were taking refuge, said walls had been destroyed.

Israel, which has accused the militant group Hamas of using schools as bases to launch rockets, said it was investigating the reports.

At least 1,200 Palestinians and 55 Israelis have been killed since Israel launched its offensive on 8 July.

Most of the Palestinian deaths have been civilians.

Some 53 Israeli soldiers have been killed along with two civilians. A Thai worker in Israel has also died.

The Israelis launched its offensive in Gaza on 8 July after a surge in rocket fire from the territory.

Hamas, which controls Gaza, says it will not stop fighting until the blockade, maintained by both Israel and Egypt, is lifted.

Bob Turner from the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) told the BBC that the attack on the school in the Jabaliya refugee camp came without warning.

He said the Palestinians had been told to take refuge at the school as a safe area from the fighting.

A reporter for the Associated Press said there was a large round hole in the ceiling of a classroom and another in one of the bathrooms.

In another classroom, the strike had blown out the front wall, AP reported.

Mr Turner said early indications suggested the school was hit by "multiple explosive projectiles".

Gaza health ministry spokesman Ashraf Al-Qidra accused the Israelis of attacking the school and gave a much higher death toll.

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